China Women's News reported that Tang Junjie, an alumnus of our school and a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), actively offered suggestions at the National two sessions

Source: Propaganda Department of Party Committee (News Center)  Author: Zhang Mengkai Editor: Zhang Mengkai Release Time: 2024-03-08 Views:

On March 5, China Women's News reported that Tang Junjie, an alumnus of our school and a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), actively offered suggestions and suggestions at the National Two Sessions。

The original report reads as follows:

Keep the mission in mind and speed up the industrialization of biological breeding

-- the voice of Tang Junjie, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference

Words for performing duties


China Women's News all media reporter Gao Yafei

March in Beijing, the opening of the 2024 National two sessions。谈起两年前全国两会上与习近平总书记面对面交流时的情景,全国政协委员唐俊杰依然心潮澎湃。

时间追溯到2022年3月6日,习近平总书记看望了参加全国政协十三届五次会议的农业界、社会福利和社会保障界委员,并参加联组会,听取意见和建议。At the meeting, Tang Junjie, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference from the agricultural industry and president of the Beijing First Agricultural Food Group Knowledge Association, made a speech on the issue of promoting independent innovation in the seed industry。

"The general secretary kindly asked me about the industrial development and breeding of the first Nong Group。Tang Junjie recalled that the general secretary pointed out at the Joint meeting that "we should give full play to our country's institutional advantages, scientifically deploy superior resources, promote the construction of a major national innovation platform in the field of seed industry, strengthen basic frontier research, strengthen the collection, protection and development and utilization of germplasm resources, and accelerate the pace of biological breeding industrialization."。

General Secretary of the earnest entrust, Tang Junjie engraved on the heart。"The next step in the development of the seed industry is to meet the needs of the country, the needs of the market, and the people's new expectations for a better life, actively carry out independent innovation, grasp the key core technologies with independent intellectual property rights as soon as possible, and complete the 'triple jump' from scientific research to experimental development and then to promotion and application."。"Tang Junjie said。

In the past two years, Tang Junjie actively promoted the creation and development of local high-quality forage resources to solve the contradiction between feed supply and demand in China。"With the goal of strengthening the foundation of national food security, we have carried out research on the selection, cultivation, processing and feeding of new high-protein grass sesbania varieties with resistance to reverse。Tang Junjie said that preliminary progress has been made, six important indicators for evaluating the quality of sesbania silage have been selected, and the key points of sesbania planting and cultivation technology and standardized operation procedures for silage have been formulated。

Sesbania can not only improve saline soil as green fertilizer, but also provide a solution for soybean meal reduction programs。At present, nearly 8,000 mu of new sesbania grass has been planted in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Shandong, Heilongjiang and other places。"We can definitely win the seed industry and turn it around!"Tang Junjie is full of confidence in gathering superior social resources to form a national strategic scientific and technological force of biological seed industry。

This year's national Two Sessions, Tang Junjie brought a proposal on the development of rice low-temperature storage technology to ensure national food security.。"From the national point of view, the food loss caused by traditional farmers' grain storage accounts for 3% to 5% of the total reserve, in the context of grain reduction, China's traditional storage technology has low benefits, large losses, and is relatively backward.。"Tang Junjie said。

Tang Junjie suggested that multi-disciplinary integration should promote research and development and innovation of rice low-temperature storage technology, build a multi-disciplinary platform such as refrigeration technology, air conditioning engineering and food engineering to ensure that the average temperature of rice is 13 ° C ~15 ° C, and the maximum temperature is 16 ° C ~18 ° C to ensure rice storage。She believes that it should be based on localized and distributed management, actively encourage local governments to establish research and development and application centers for low-temperature storage technology, and guide local governments, enterprises, societies/associations and other social organizations to participate in order to establish a green "big reserve" thinking。

"The mission proposed by the General Secretary to promote the construction of a national major innovation platform in the field of seed industry, we will certainly be able to complete it.。”唐俊杰表示,作为一名全国政协委员,一定牢记习近平总书记嘱托,做时代的书写人、追梦的奋斗者,立足岗位建新功,为建设农业强国和宜居宜业和美乡村做出新的更大的贡献!

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