Tianjin Branch Life wechat public account reported the deeds of our school's "knowledge and action" students' theoretical propaganda group

Source: Propaganda Department of Party Committee (News Center)  Author: Zhang Mengkai Editor: Zhang Mengkai Release Time: 2024-03-08 Views:

On March 7, the wechat public account of Tianjin Branch Life reported the deeds of the "Knowledge and Action" students' theoretical lecture group of our school。Tianjin University of Commerce's "Knowledge and Action" student theoretical propaganda group focuses on the core issues of "who speaks", "who speaks", "what speaks" and "how to speak", uses practical actions to build a "four high" theoretical propaganda working mode, and actively carries out a diversified, menu-based, interactive theoretical propaganda inside and outside the school。

The original report reads as follows:

【欧洲杯投注】 Tianjin University of Commerce "Zhixing" students' theoretical preaching group: Strive to be a theoretical preaching "young cavalry"

"The big brother of the propaganda group led us to feel the eventful years of Yan 'an period with vivid stories and cases, let us understand the Yan 'an spirit, I am very educated"。This is Tianjin University of Commerce "knowledge and action" student theory propaganda group according to the "Yan 'an Spirit into the campus" activity theme, in-depth Ruijing Middle School to carry out the "Little sparks recall Yan 'an Spirit from generation to generation" series of propaganda students feel。

Tianjin University of Commerce's "Knowledge and Action" student theoretical propaganda group focuses on the core issues of "who speaks", "who speaks", "what speaks" and "how to speak", uses practical actions to build a "four high" theoretical propaganda working mode, and actively carries out a diversified, menu-based, interactive theoretical propaganda inside and outside the school。As the "light cavalry" of campus theory preaching, the members of the preaching group strive to be the interpreters, propagandists and practitioners of the Party's innovative theory with their striving youth。

Build teams from a high starting point

Make the theory preach "hard"

"To carry out theoretical propaganda work, first of all, we must build a strong propaganda team, solve the problem of 'who will tell', pay attention to connotation development, we must select a group of talents with good political quality, high theoretical level, and strong propaganda ability to be included in the propaganda group, and at the same time, build strong business guidance teachers, and constantly stimulate the internal power of the speakers.。Talking about the original intention of the formation of the propaganda group, Liu Zhenqiang, secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Marxism of Tianjin University of Commerce, said。

宣传阐释习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想是马克思主义理论学科师生的“硬”任务。In order to give full play to the advantages of the discipline, the propaganda group selected 28 excellent students with high political literacy and solid theoretical foundation from the "Qingma students" and postgraduate students of Marxist theory in Tianjin, and created a "hard core" propaganda team。The head of the lecture group was Li Meisheng, the annual person of Tianjin College students, the Upward Good Youth of Tianjin, the most beautiful retired college students of Tianjin, and Ma Mingchen, the student of Tianjin 7th "Qingma Project"。"To actively be the interpreter, disseminator and practitioner of the Party's innovative theory is not only the need for the Sinicization of Marxism, but also the important mission and responsibility given to our ideological and political education graduate students by The Times.。"Li Meisheng said。

The propaganda group hired Li Xin, who was awarded the excellent teacher of Tianjin and an expert in the teaching of ideological and political courses in Tianjin colleges and universities, to form a team of guiding teachers, guiding members to integrate their beliefs and ideals, adherence and responsibility, thinking and searching into theoretical preaching to ensure that the propaganda group started at a high level。

High quality carefully prepared

Let the theory preach "reality"

"Theoretical propaganda work should be complete and accurate propaganda of the Party's innovative theory,And strive to be 'grounded',Enhance the appeal of the presentation,So be sure to prepare your pitch carefully,Innovative presentation methods,Make theory become a powerful ideological weapon for people to arm their minds, guide practice and promote work,Ensure the effectiveness of the message 'see action'。"Lecturing group instructor Li Xin said。

In order to continuously improve the theoretical level of the members of the mission,The group invited well-known experts and scholars from Nankai University, Hebei University, Tianjin Normal University and other universities to carry out more than 20 special lectures, teaching guidance and research, and demonstration lectures for the members of the group,And held many exchanges, seminars, training meetings,Carry out the "five preparations" collective lesson preparation focusing on "preparing ideas, preparing methods, preparing resources, preparing problems and preparing objects",Members research topics, collect information, design Outlines, select cases, and make courseware,Small cuts reflect big themes,Small stories explain big things。

After listening to Professor Tian Haizhan's lecture on "Focusing on cultivating and practicing socialist Core values",Li Wenqi, a member of the lecture group, had an active exchange with the teacher,She said with the help of her teacher,I have a new understanding of the essence of the party's innovation theory, theoretical logic and practical requirements,It also further clarified that under the new era and new journey, we must constantly emancipate our minds and innovate ways and methods。

同时,Members of the mission organized a wide range of red research activities,Members walk into the Longshan patriotic Education base,Visit the "Tianjin to promote the spirit of model workers, labor spirit, craftsman spirit" theme education exhibition,Participate in the "millions of students back to Yan 'an Yan 'an Spirit into the campus" red research activities,Find the roots of red culture,Dig deep for red resources,Learn the wisdom of history,Improve theoretical literacy,Lay a solid foundation for high-quality presentations。

High quality concise theme

Let the theory preach "fast"

"To improve the quality and efficiency of ideological and political education in the new era, we must take the initiative to integrate the latest achievements of Marxism in the ideological and political education curriculum, and let students closely track the pace of the Party's theoretical innovation, closely follow the main theme of The Times, based on new social trends, and grasp the new trend of development.。"The tour guide teacher Zhao Yu said。

Preaching keeps pace with The Times,Interpreting the hot spots of The Times,The Party's twenty major spirit and the Party's innovative theory will be passed on to young students in an interesting and interesting way,Give full play to the characteristics of fast, accurate and active theoretical preaching,A thorough, cohesive and uplifting speech,Again and again vivid, perplexing and thirst quenching interaction exchanges,It gives full play to the superior role of graduate students in theory preaching and peer value leading。

For student party members, student cadres, "Qingma students" and other outstanding student groups, the propaganda group carried out an exemplary propaganda entitled "I am young, bear the responsibility of The Times", gathered striving force, and promoted students to learn from each other, inspire each other, and grow together。The group carried out a theoretical lecture entitled "People's Democracy in the Whole Process of Development" for the members of the school's simulated CPPCC Association, which further improved the members' understanding of the political connotation, theoretical connotation and practical connotation of socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics through lively and realistic cases。The propaganda group entered the military theory class of college students, combined with the course content, carried out the theme of "Establishing national security awareness, Consciously safeguarding National security" propaganda activities, and guided contemporary college students to unswervingly implement the overall national security concept。

High-quality forms of innovation

Let the theory preach "special"

"The propaganda work should enhance the work appeal, break the traditional propaganda mode of 'reporting', based on the concerns and needs of the audience, innovate the theoretical propaganda form, launch the boutique work mode, and solve the problem of 'how to tell'.。"School party Committee propaganda Department Minister Yu Junru said。

The group actively explored new forms of theoretical preaching, allowing theoretical preaching to cross the limitations of time and space, forming a three-dimensional theoretical preaching platform matrix covering "online + offline"。The propaganda group made full use of the new media platform to create a column of "Preaching the Youth of the Top 20 Ma Yuan" in the public account of the Institute of Marxism, and the students were responsible for selecting topics, planning and recording. The group has released 36 micro-videos of theoretical learning for more than 500 minutes, which have been viewed by more than 5,000 people。The group went into the Santiao Stone History Museum, Tianjin Enlightenment Society Memorial Hall and other units to record more than 10 high-quality theoretical lectures,He also participated in a series of activities organized by the Guiding Committee of Ideological and Political theory course teaching in colleges and universities of the Ministry of Education, "A thousand horses and twenty lines", and the young students' Union of Marxism Colleges and universities across the country spoke about the Party's twenty major spirits,Submitted 2 works awarded "Finalist Award",And in the "green pear pie" and other national network platform display,Has had a wide impact on the youth community。

At the same time, the group went out of the campus to carry out "order type" and "menu type" propaganda。In the Beichen district overlooking Jingyuan community,Customized questions for the community,Personalized design of propaganda content, polishing propaganda courseware,The lecture entitled "Promoting the Great Spirit of Party Building and Playing the Movement of Youth Endeavor" was carried out,Wang Yuchen, a member of the lecture group, gave vivid examples and full emotions,Trace the heroic deeds of revolutionary martyrs,Sharing touching stories of selfless service in times of peace,He won applause from the audience。

Strong faith, enhance ability, set an example。In the future, the propaganda group should seek breakthroughs in innovation, move toward specialization in breakthroughs, firm ideals and beliefs in learning, practice and realization, play a youthful mission in the unity of knowledge and practice, and strive to make theoretical propaganda work new, brilliant and excellent。

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