The 15th Plenary (expanded) meeting of the Second Committee of the Communist Party of China Tianjin University of Commerce was held

Source: Propaganda Department of Party Committee (News Center)  Author: Zhang Mengkai Editor: Zhang Mengkai Release Time: 2024-09-19 Views:

On the afternoon of September 18, the 15th Plenary (expanded) meeting of the Second Committee of the Communist Party of China Tianjin University of Commerce was held in the International Academic Report Hall on the third floor of the library。

会议的主题是以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,深入学习贯彻习近平总书记关于党的建设的重要思想和关于教育的重要论述,学习贯彻习近平总书记在全国教育大会上重要讲话精神和全国教育大会精神,We will thoroughly implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee and the deployment requirements of the sixth Plenary Session of the 12th CPC Municipal Committee,Uphold and strengthen the Party's overall leadership,Implement the Party's educational policy,Closely around the basic task of Lide tree people,Promote the high quality development of the school with the spirit of reform and innovation,We will carry out ten key tasks for school reform and development,Condensing the heart to gather strength, strive to forge ahead, good good,Promote the construction of high-level commercial universities to write a new chapter。

校党委书记张亚作学习贯彻党的二十届三中全会精神专题宣讲,并就贯彻落实全会精神,推进学校改革发展任务落地落实,以及学习贯彻习近平总书记在全国教育大会上重要讲话精神和全国教育大会精神,提出工作要求。校党委副书记、校长葛宝臻传达习近平总书记在全国教育大会上重要讲话精神和全国教育大会精神,总结2024年上半年工作,部署学校“贯彻落实党的二十届三中全会精神,推进改革发展十大重点任务”和下半年重点工作。Jiang Zongwen, deputy secretary of the Party Committee, presided over the meeting。School leaders Wang Liyun, Qi Enping, Huang Fengyu and the Standing Committee of the Party Committee Luo Yuan, Liang Qiang, Wang Lei attended, the school party committee members, all middle-level cadres attended。

Zhang Ya pointed out that,The first half of this year,全校上下以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,及时跟进学习贯彻习近平总书记重要讲话精神和重要指示批示精神,Promote the implementation of the school's "12 Key Measures",High-level business universities have made important progress and remarkable results。他强调,全校师生要深刻认识党的二十届三中全会是在关键时期召开的一次十分重要的会议,准确把握习近平总书记在党的二十届三中全会上的重要讲话精神,全面准确理解《欧洲杯哪里可以网投》提出的进一步全面深化改革重大举措。深入学习贯彻全国教育大会精神,深刻领会习近平总书记重要讲话精神,推动落实大会重点任务。

According to the arrangement of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Education Committee,Four requirements are put forward for promoting the study and implementation of the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee and the spirit of the National Education Conference:First, we must implement it with a strong political responsibility。It is necessary to deeply understand the spirit of the meeting, focus on the new mission and tasks entrusted by the Party and the state to higher education, and find new coordinates and new directions。The secretary of the Party organization shall fulfill the responsibility of the first responsible person, and implement the important requirements put forward by the meeting into all aspects and the whole process of party building, education, teaching and career development of the school according to the annual work points of the school and the work points of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party。We must implement it with a clear problem-oriented approach。It is necessary to adhere to the problem-oriented, timely find the gaps and shortcomings in the layout of professional disciplines, talent training and social needs, and the ability of scientific research and innovation to serve the society, and dare to face the problems, plan in advance for the problems, and focus on solving outstanding problems。We should constantly boost our mental state, improve our work level, and hone our ability and ability to solve problems。We should strengthen our courage to solve problems, have the courage to confront the tough and use new ideas, new means and new approaches to overcome difficulties。It should be implemented in a systematic and comprehensive manner。We should take a long-term view and plan systematically。Be good at making judgments and decisions from the overall, long-term and general trend, and look into the long-term and serious study。We should make breakthroughs in key areas and promote overall progress。Handle the relationship between overall promotion and key breakthroughs, and turn the "panorama" drawn by the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee and the National Education Congress into "construction drawings"。It is necessary to make overall coordination and all-round efforts。We will accelerate the construction of a high-quality education system, and coordinate the reform of the way schools educate students, the mode of running schools, the management system, and the security mechanism。Fourth, we must implement the work with remarkable results。We must improve the system of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party and continue to make new progress in Party building。We will promote the Party's innovative theoretical armed forces, improve the construction of intra-party laws and regulations, and consolidate the political responsibility for comprehensively and strictly governing the Party。It is necessary to focus on the construction of high-level commercial universities and continue to promote the development of the cause to a new level。It is necessary to base on the reality of the school, take the initiative to benchmark, and implement the important requirements put forward by the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Party and the National Education Congress in place。It is necessary to comprehensively deepen reform and continuously promote the improvement of governance efficiency。Continuously reform and improve the internal governance structure, management system and operation mechanism, and continuously improve the modernization level of the school governance system and governance capacity。

Ge Baozhen made a comprehensive summary of the work in the first half of 2024 from the aspects of party building, personnel training, discipline construction, faculty construction, scientific research and innovation, and internal governance。Combined with the actual school,The paper explains ten key tasks of implementing the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Party, such as promoting the reform and innovation of ideological and political courses, improving the ability of personnel training, optimizing the layout of disciplines, improving the level of scientific research and innovation, improving the internal governance structure, stimulating the vitality of talent teams, optimizing and integrating educational resources, strengthening the construction of digital campus, creating a characteristic campus culture, and improving the overall strict Party governance system。Emphasis was placed on the in-depth rectification of the inspection feedback of the Municipal Party Committee, the rectification of the feedback of the economic responsibility audit of the Municipal Audit Bureau, the review and evaluation of undergraduate education and teaching, student employment, the construction of scientific research platforms, campus safety and stability and other key work。

Ge Baozhen pointed out that in order to further implement the ten key tasks of reform and development and ensure the smooth completion of this year's work, all leading cadres should take the initiative to improve their ability to perform their duties, strengthen solidarity and cooperation, and create a fairer and more efficient high-quality development environment。一要We will elevate our political position, take the lead in implementing democratic centralism, and fully implement the decisions of Party committees and their standing committees.二要Strictly implement the rules of procedure, improve the level of decision-making and execution, and complete the school's work deployment with high quality;三要Establish a general pattern, strengthen the overall awareness, from the overall development of the school, from the interests of teachers and students, a correct view of the characteristics of the discipline, to promote the development of the school and the discipline;四要Strengthen communication and coordination, effectively form a work force, cooperate with the team spirit, focus on the lead departments to effectively perform their duties, play the overall role, and cooperate with the departments;五要Take the initiative to take responsibility, improve the work initiative, effectively enhance the initiative and responsibility of single-minded development, according to the job responsibilities, make plans in advance and implement;六要To overcome difficulties and enhance work tenacity, in the face of complex problems and difficulties, we must study, have in-depth thinking, have a plan, and be good at listening to professional opinions and suggestions;七要Strengthen business learning, improve work ability, become an expert in management, understand the spirit of documents and specific requirements, understand the work process, clear standards, grasp the time limit, and effectively improve management level and ability;八要Adapt to work under the tone of "strict", improve the level of work innovation, put an end to inaction and slow action, and innovatively implement various work requirements with normative work standards。

The meeting pointed out that the whole school teachers and students should study and implement the spirit of this meeting。It is necessary to seriously convey learning, gather ideological consensus, the second-level party organizations, departments, and units should convey the spirit of the meeting through various forms, and effectively unify the ideas and actions to the deployment requirements of the school Party committee。It is necessary to focus on key tasks and refine implementation measures, to study and implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Party and the spirit of the National Education Congress as a major political task at present and in the future, and to promote the deployment of schools to see results。To strengthen responsibility, pay close attention to the implementation of the work, the majority of party members and cadres should have the courage to take responsibility, dare to do good, further enhance the ability to pay close attention to the implementation of the work, complete the work tasks with high standards and high quality, and strive to promote the construction of high-level commercial universities to write a new chapter。(Reviewer: Liang Qiang)