Notice of the Party Committee of Tianjin University of Commerce on the progress of the second round of inspection and rectification of the 12th Municipal Party Committee

Source: Party Committee Office  Author: Editor: Zhang Mengkai Release Time: 2024-01-31 Views:

According to the deployment requirements of the second round of inspection work of the 12th Municipal Party Committee, the progress of inspection and rectification will be announced。

First, improve the political position, consolidate the rectification responsibility, firmly support the "two establishment" with solid rectification results, and resolutely achieve the "two maintenance"

The Party Committee of the school deeply realized that after the Party's twenty-tenth meeting, the first round of inspection launched by the Municipal Party Committee focused on colleges and universities, which fully reflected the great importance the Municipal Party Committee attaches to higher education and the ardent expectations for colleges and universities to assume the mission responsibility of building a strong education country and a strong education city。本轮市委巡视也是学校在全面推进高水平商业大学建设的关键时期迎来的一次全面深入的政治体检,是对学校全体党员干部教师的一次深刻的党性考验,对于学校加快推进各项事业高质量发展意义重大、影响深远。The school party committee believes that,Municipal committee inspection feedback,是落实习近平总书记关于教育和巡视工作重要论述的集中体现,It represents the political requirements of the municipal committee for colleges and universities,Faithfully implement the feedback of the municipal Party Committee inspection,It is the concrete embodiment of the party organizations and party members and cadres at all levels of the school to shoulder political responsibility, fulfill political missions, and show political responsibility。Since inspection and rectification,学校党委深入学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,We will fully implement the guiding principles of the Party's 20th National Congress,Constantly improve political judgment, political understanding, and political execution,Earnestly grasp the rectification as the most important political task of the whole school,In accordance with the overall requirements of the "five twist" and the "six where six must" rectification standards put forward by the Municipal Party Committee,We will do our best to make the rectification of problems effective,Firmly support the "two establishment" and resolutely achieve the "two maintenance" with practical actions of rectification。

(1) Raise the political position and make good deployment and promotion

8月31日下午,市委巡视情况反馈会结束后,学校党委迅速行动,校党委书记第一时间召开专题会议,深入学习市委巡视情况反馈会议精神和巡视反馈意见,研究部署学校整改落实工作。巡视反馈第二天,校党委书记主持召开党委常委会会议,逐条研究分析巡视反馈问题和整改建议,要求全体校领导都把自己摆进去、把责任摆进去,牵头认领整改任务,带头抓好整改落实。Since September 2, the school leadership team has focused on 1 and a half days to collectively study and formulate rectification measures, and clarify the responsible school leaders, responsible departments, completion time and rectification goals。On September 15, the school Party Committee held a mobilization meeting to fully deploy the rectification work。On September 21, the Standing Committee of the University Party Committee held a meeting again to approve the rectification work plan and the work ledger, requiring further political requirements, political standards and political effects of quasi-rectification to ensure that all regulations should be rectified and everything will be effective。Three months of intensive rectification period,The university Party Committee has held 1 expanded meeting of the Party Committee, 11 meetings of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, and 14 special meetings,Through in-depth learning, careful deployment and multi-level mobilization,Lead the whole school to be absolutely loyal to the Party and highly responsible for the party's educational cause,Make every effort to improve the inspection feedback problems to the end and to the place。

Inspection period,The first leader of the school inspection and rectification work leading group and the city leaders in charge of the school rectification work carried out the whole process of check and guidance,Personally examine and approve the school's rectification work plan,Hold a rectification and promotion meeting,Special trip to the school research guidance,Regular scheduling of the progress and effect of school rectification,Guide the university Party committee to continuously improve political standing,Effectively promote development through rectification,Ensure the quality of rectification。The two municipal education committees specially convened the "first leader" training course,The guidance helps schools to accurately grasp the requirements, standards, paths and methods of inspection and rectification,The inspection and rectification working group, Organization Office, Network Information Office and other responsibility departments of the two Municipal Education Committees followed up the school rectification plan formulation, process scheduling, effect control and other links,It provides a strong guarantee for the school rectification work。

(2) Firmly holding political standards and consolidating rectification responsibilities

The school Party committee has set up a leading group for inspection and rectification work,Under the guidance of the first group leader,It is further clarified that the secretary of the Party Committee of the university serves as the group leader,The deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the university and the president shall serve as the deputy group leaders,Other members of the Standing Committee of the University Party Committee and university leaders are members,Comprehensively organize, lead, plan and coordinate the rectification work of the whole school。At the same time, relying on the division of work of leading team members and the functions and responsibilities of various departments to coordinate the promotion of various rectification tasks, and set up a comprehensive coordination group led by the Party Committee office (President's Office), and a rectification supervision group and a special work class led by the Party Committee inspection room。Study and formulate the "Inspection and Rectification Work Plan",The inspection feedback was sorted into 4 main aspects, 13 key problems, 35 specific problems and 56 problem manifestations,Continue to draw parallels and investigate 36 similar problems,In-depth analysis and adjudication of "promoting reform and promoting development" rectification matters,We formulated a total of 155 rectification measures,Study and formulate 4 special rectification plans simultaneously,Define responsibilities, time limits and goals item by item,Both targeted therapy and precise policies,We will make greater efforts to solve overarching and fundamental problems。In the process of rectification,The Party committee of the school takes the responsibility of compacting rectification as an important premise,The school party committee is responsible for the rectification work,The secretary of the Party Committee of the university earnestly performs the responsibilities of the first responsible person,We carried out overall work in a coordinated manner,And take the lead in correcting key and difficult problems,Directly responsible for 29 rectification tasks,Personally responsible for the special ideological rectification;Members of the school leadership team earnestly fulfill "one position and two responsibilities",Take the initiative to collect the bill, personally fight,Lead the departments in charge, contact point colleges to perform their duties and work together to overcome difficulties,We will comprehensively and thoroughly rectify problems in our areas of responsibility,Promote the transmission of pressure and the implementation of responsibilities,In the whole school to build a horizontal to the edge, vertical to the end of the rectification work pattern。

During the period of concentrated rectification, the secretary of the school Party Committee earnestly implemented the requirements of the "four personally", and directly deployed, directly participated in, and directly supervised the rectification work。First, do a good job of ideological mobilization and theoretical armed,Guide the theoretical learning center group of the Party Committee to focus on the rectification task and set up 3 learning topics,Leading the members of the team to study and discuss the party's educational policies and inner-party regulations, reform and development of higher education, and ideology,Close focus on the "great state" to deepen political reform。Second, we need to examine and reflect,A special democratic meeting will be held to a high standard,Deep analysis of the root of the problem,Clear direction of effort;Held a meeting of the Standing Committee of the University Party Committee,Three thematic review analysis,In view of the implementation of the school development plan, subject construction and party building work,Analyze the current situation, face the gap, and find out the reasons,Propose improvement measures。Third, we will provide guidance and impetus,The school leadership will be held every week,Listen to the rectification progress report,Timely study and solve the key and difficult problems in the rectification work;Keep your eyes on the prize,12 thematic meetings were held,Research and promotion are carried out on issues such as discipline construction, personnel training, scientific research and innovation, cadre and talent team construction, ideology, and internal governance,Visited and investigated the party organizations and functional departments of the department and worked on site 16 times,Continuous compaction of rectification responsibilities。Fourth, we will do a good job in supervision and inspection,Guide the rectification and inspection team and the special work team to track the efficiency of the single week and coordinate the promotion of the two weeks,Establish a working mechanism of "wall map operation", "special person focusing on" and "dynamic number cancellation";For ideology, grassroots party building, teachers' ethics and other prominent problems,Organize and carry out three centralized inspections,To carry out centralized investigation and rectification of similar problems in the party organizations of all colleges and departments,Make every effort to fight the battle of comprehensive governance。

(3) Strengthen political responsibility to ensure the quality and effectiveness of rectification

The Party Committee of the school earnestly implements the requirements of "four integration" and strives to drive the overall situation, promote reform and promote development through rectification。First, combine inspection and rectification with strengthening the Party's overall leadership and deepening Party management and governance。We will resolutely implement the requirements for political reform,Politics will run through the whole process of rectification,Period of concentrated rectification,党委常委会专题学习习近平总书记重要讲话和重要指示批示精神11次,Effectively follow the basic work of the prison;We will improve the rules for examining and signing documents of the central and municipal committees,Formulate Several Provisions on Further Standardizing the System of Regular Work Meetings of School Leaders,凡是习近平总书记发表重要讲话、作出重要指示批示,The central and municipal committees issue important documents and make important arrangements,Ensure the first time to learn and communicate, do a good job of implementation;Held a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee,The 46 documents issued by the Party Central Committee and the Municipal Committee in recent years on the comprehensive strict governance of the Party and the reform and development of colleges and universities were reviewed and studied,Check the table again,Get the job right。The second is to combine inspection and rectification with the full implementation of the spirit of the Party's 20 National Congress。In accordance with the strategic deployment made by the Party's 20th National Congress,Aiming at the "Ten actions" of high-quality development in our city,On the basis of regular work,Focus on the main contradictions and key areas,Study and put forward "12 key measures to tackle difficult problems",Lead the whole school to solve the development problems with hard work and pragmatic measures,We will ensure that the spirit of the Party's 20 Major undertakings is effectively implemented in schools。The third is to combine inspection and rectification with promoting high-quality development。Strengthen the top-level design and overall planning of discipline construction by the university Party Committee, set up a school discipline construction committee, held a school-wide deployment meeting, issued a number of guiding opinions on strengthening discipline construction, and organized 7 key disciplines to formulate improvement plans respectively。Deepen the reform of the system and mechanism for the development of talent teams, adjust the school talent work leading group, improve the talent work mechanism, focus on optimizing the construction mechanism of high-end talent teams, and continue to increase efforts to attract high-level talents。The Cold chain Industry College, the Scientific Research Achievements Transformation Center, and the low-carbon Cold chain Research Center for Agricultural products have been established successively, promoting the merger of colleges and the integration of disciplines, effectively starting from the reform of institutional mechanisms, and promoting the continuous improvement of personnel training and scientific research and innovation capabilities。While practicing and developing internal skills, we must take it as an important responsibility to serve economic and social development。Since May 2023,The school Party committee actively plans to promote the construction of "time-honored Collaborative Innovation Center",The secretary of the Party Committee of the university has led a team to the Ministry of Commerce and the Municipal Bureau of Commerce to study and talk,Visited and exchanged with Guangdong University of Finance and Economics, Guizhou University of Finance and Economics, Chongqing Technology and Business University and other sister institutions,Hold a number of special conferences to study and promote,Clear center positioning, construction direction, objectives and tasks,Strive to provide theoretical and intellectual support for the innovation and development of Tianjin time-honored brands。In November 2023, the school was successfully approved as the first batch of national time-honored Collaborative innovation Centers (Theoretical research), and 22 media such as China Daily, Tianjin Daily, JinBao Bao reported the approval of the establishment of the school center successively。

At present, through the joint efforts of the whole school for three months, the school inspection and rectification work has achieved initial results。Through rectification,全校上下学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想取得了新成效,The majority of Party members, cadres and teachers have experienced profound party spirit education and political experience through inspection and rectification,The political position of resolutely supporting the "two establishment" and resolutely achieving the "two maintenance" has been strengthened,Strengthen the mission of educating people for the Party and the country;New achievements have been made in implementing the decision-making spirit of the Party Central Committee and the deployment requirements of the municipal Party Committee,The measures taken to pursue reform and development have become more pragmatic and the path has become clearer,The working mechanisms in the fields of discipline construction, faculty personnel construction, scientific research innovation, and internal governance have been continuously improved,The work level has been effectively improved;The political responsibility of Party organizations at all levels to govern the Party has been further consolidated,The political functions of grass-roots party organizations have been brought into full play,The level of standardization and scientific construction of community-level party building has been continuously improved,The guiding and guaranteeing role of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party has become more obvious,In the school formed a good atmosphere for doing business。The Party Committee of the University will continue to maintain political concentration, constantly consolidate and deepen the achievements of rectification, and take the rectification as an opportunity to promote the party building and cause development of the university to a new level。

Second, adhere to the "five twist", strengthen deep reform and real reform, and promote the implementation of rectification tasks item by item

(一)关于贯彻落实习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想、党中央重大决策部署和市委工作要求方面存在的问题和深入贯彻落实习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,特别是习近平总书记关于教育工作的重要批示指示精神,A deep understanding of the decisive significance of "two establishment",Strengthen the "Four consciousness", strengthen the "four self-confidence", and achieve the "two maintenance",Continue to improve the rectification of political judgment, political understanding, political execution and other rectification opinions

The Party committee of the school insists on taking inspection and rectification as a strong political driving force and a driving force for development,持续深入学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,Resolutely implement the decision-making spirit of the CPC Central Committee and the work plan of the CPC Municipal Committee,Further in the benchmarking table to identify the direction of development, in the overall situation of service to identify the development of positioning, in solving problems to improve the quality of development,Through the rectification, we can better assume the mission responsibility of educating people for the Party and educating talents for the country,We will continue to enhance the support and contribution of education to high-quality development。


1) Thoroughly study and implement the Spirit of the Party's 20 National Congress

First, we will continue to promote the study, publicity and implementation of the Party's 20 major spirit。充分发挥党委理论学习中心组旗舰作用,认真落实“第一主题”要求,持续深入学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,全面学习贯彻党的二十大精神,努力在学深悟透、融会贯通上下功夫。Continuously enrich the learning forms, the members of the theoretical central group of the University Party Committee have been to Nankai University and Tianjin University to carry out study visits and investigations, learn advanced experience and draw development ideas。举办学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想主题教育读书班,组织全校党员干部集中读原著、学原文、悟原理,邀请专家做专题辅导报告,不断拓展学习深度。2023年,围绕学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的二十大精神,校级理论学习中心组专题学习研讨48次,二级中心组专题学习研讨240次。"Tianjin Daily" (Education Weekly) published a special article of the Theoretical Learning Center group of the University Party Committee "Deep Learning Du to Build a solid foundation of moral foundation"。

Second, continue to increase the Party's innovative theoretical research and publicity and interpretation。高标准建设天津市中国特色社会主义理论体系研究中心欧洲杯投注基地,由校党委书记担任基地主任,制定出台基地管理实施细则,完善组织运行、考核激励等工作机制,加大经费支持保障力度。学校官网首页和微信公众号开设专栏,及时推送习近平总书记重要讲话、重要指示精神和学校贯彻落实党的二十大精神情况162篇。组织教师参加学习习近平文化思想研讨会,邀请专家作专题报告。During the period of concentrated rectification, cadres and teachers successively published 14 theoretical explanation articles in Tianjin Daily and other media。

Third, we will make solid progress in translating the spirit of the Party's 20 National Congresses into action, concretization, and practice。Plan around the Party's 20 National strategies,The Party Committee of the university has deeply studied and judged the key constraints and main tasks in promoting high-quality development,It lasted half a year to visit, study and research,Put forward the school's "implementation of the Party's 20 Major spirit of the 12 key measures",An expanded meeting of the whole committee of the Party Committee was convened for deployment,They are promoted by school leaders,Lead the whole school to promote high-quality development by tackling difficult problems。校党委常委会3次专题学习习近平总书记在党的二十大报告中关于“实施科教兴国战略,The important deployment of Strengthening talent support for modernization construction and the important discussion on building a powerful country in education,Full text Study "Resolution of the Second Plenary Session of the 12th CPC Tianjin Municipal Committee",Convey and study the spirit of the decision of the CPC Tianjin Municipal Committee on In-depth study, publicity and implementation of the Party's 20 Major Spirits and Strive to create a new situation in comprehensively building a modern socialist metropolis,Further benchmarking and benchmarking our city's high-quality development "Ten actions",We will vigorously promote the implementation of key key measures such as "ideological and political work quality improvement", "professional quality improvement", "discipline optimization and improvement", "scientific research and innovation", "talent team mechanism improvement" and "digital governance"。

In response to "draw inferencesThe problem of "inviting high-level experts to the school to carry out propaganda training is not enough, and the atmosphere to learn and publicize the spirit of the Party's 20 Congresses is not strong enough"。First, the establishment of the "Tianshang Lecture Hall" high-end forum, leading the whole school party members, cadres and teachers to persist in using the Party's innovative theory to build the soul of thought, persist in building the foundation of the university with high-end academic exchange activities, persist in carrying the way and educating new people of The Times。11月14日,The school held the first lecture of "Tianshang Lecture Hall",Professor Wang Hansong, former Secretary of the Party Committee and doctoral supervisor of Dalian University of Technology, was invited to give a guidance report on the topic of "' Three Means' - The Communist Party of China's response to the questions of The Times",Continue to create a strong atmosphere to study, publicize and implement the spirit of the Party's 20 National Congress。The second is to do a good job of "Mingde Forum" teachers grassroots theory propaganda platform,To "deeply learn and thoroughly understand the party's innovation theory.,Condensing the heart and casting the soul to take on the mission of educating people "" In-depth study and implementation of the Party's 20 major spirits,Promote the spirit of educators,Build a solid foundation of moral trees",Continue to preach the Party's 20 Great spirit to all faculty and staff,We will promote learning and education in a deep and solid way。In 2023, a total of 80 propaganda activities were held, covering more than 7,200 people。

(2) Strictly implement the "first issue" system

First, improve political position and deepen ideological understanding。Strictly implement the "first issue" requirements of the Standing Committee meeting of the University Party Committee,坚持把学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和习近平总书记重要讲话、重要指示批示精神作为首要政治任务,形成学习贯彻常态长效机制。Period of concentrated rectification,The Standing Committee of the University Party Committee studied the "First issue" 11 times,对习近平总书记关于党的建设的重要思想、习近平文化思想,习近平总书记关于全面从严治党和教育、巡视工作的重要论述,习近平总书记关于意识形态、高质量发展、安全生产等重要讲话和指示批示精神进行了专题学习,We will promptly implement it。

The second is to consolidate political responsibility and enhance political capacity。Adhere to the Party's political construction in the first place,Strictly enforce the Party's political discipline and rules,We will supervise political development,建立习近平总书记重要讲话和重要指示批示精神贯彻落实情况台账,We will improve the tracking and supervision mechanism,We will encourage Party organizations at all levels to effectively shoulder their political, leadership and work responsibilities,Ensure implementation is in place。

In response to the problem of "drawing a lesson from one to three" rectification matters, "the guidance and supervision of the implementation of the" first issue "system of the second-level Party committee meeting are not in place",A meeting of secretaries of secondary party organizations was held,Special training on the implementation of the "first issue" system requirements;The Organization Department of the Party Committee attended and guided the second-level Party organization meetings five times,Organize and carry out supervision and inspection of the implementation of the "first issue",Promote learning implementation and school reform and development reality closely,We will continue to strengthen the political functions of grass-roots Party organizations,确保习近平总书记重要讲话和重要指示批示精神在基层全面落实。

3) Fully promote the decision-making and deployment of the CPC Central Committee to take root

First, improve the learning and communication mechanism of central documents and municipal committee documents and implement them。将习近平总书记关于教育的重要论述和重要指示批示精神、党中央关于高等教育的重要文件和重大决策部署作为校党委常委会会议学习研究的首要内容,进行专题研究部署。Formulate measures for the examination, signing, reading, handling and management of important documents of the Central and municipal committees to ensure that the political orders of the Central and municipal committees are smooth and prohibited。

Second, continue to deepen learning and research。Held a meeting of the Standing Committee of the University Party Committee,Special study and research were carried out on the seven important documents issued by the central government on the training of talents in basic disciplines and the training of young scientific and technological talents,Detailed implementation measures will be taken in terms of personnel training, construction of high-end talent teams, discipline construction, and transformation of scientific research results,Ensure that the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee are effective in schools。

In response to the problem of "drawing a lesson from one to three" rectification matters, "the supervision and implementation mechanism of the Central Committee's important documents on higher education and major decision-making arrangements is not perfect.,Further improve and improve the learning communication and implementation of the work ledger,The implementation progress in various fields of the school is included in the unified management of the ledger,Guide all departments to start with the ledger,Work will be carried out in an efficient and orderly manner,Form a work pattern at each level and at each level。

2.In response to the insufficient performance of leadership responsibilities of the Party Committee,The university Party Committee continuously strengthens the overall leadership of the Party over the work of the university,Strictly implement the principal responsibility system under the leadership of the Party Committee,We will fully implement the Party's educational policy and the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee on educational work,With a higher position and more practical measures to promote the school's various undertakings to a new level。

(1) Give full play to the leading role of the university Party Committee and increase the promotion of the university development plan

First, we will summarize and analyze the implementation of the development plan。召开“十三五”规划落实情况总结分析专题会议,从责任落实、推进机制、发展预期、外部形势变化等方面找准问题、剖析原因,形成“十三五”规划实施重点问题分析报告,切实在推进实施“十四五”规划过程中予以改进。

Second, we will organize a mid-term assessment of the implementation of the 14th Five-Year Plan。校党委常委会专题听取“十四五”规划实施情况报告,逐条分析关键指标完成情况、存在问题,Take into account the new situation and new requirements,研究提出“十四五”规划重点指标优化调整意见,确保学校发展目标更加科学、路径更加清晰。

In response to the problem of "drawing inferences from one another" and "the effect of discipline and professional construction is not obvious enough"。One is to strengthen the university Party committee's overall planning of discipline construction,Set up the school discipline construction committee,The conference on discipline construction and graduate education was held,Effectively improve the level of discipline construction as an important focus to promote the school's "14th Five-Year Plan" period of high-quality development,To comprehensively promote the implementation of "discipline optimization and upgrading measures" as the starting point,Drive the university's talent training ability, scientific research and innovation ability, and talent team construction level continue to improve。Second, continue to deepen the construction of professional connotation,Take the new round of undergraduate education teaching audit and evaluation as the starting point,Continue to improve the level of professional construction,Promoting education and teaching reform;Organize national and municipal first-class undergraduate professional construction points to carry out self-inspection and self-construction,Further summarize condensed advantages and characteristics,Clarify the construction ideas;A new round of personnel training program revision will be launched,Continuously improve the quality of personnel training。

(2) Strengthen the political function of second-level party organizations and build strong basic-level fighting fortresses

First, we will improve the political gatekeeping system for second-level party organizations。Study and implement the Regulations of the Communist Party of China on the Work of Grass-roots Organizations in Ordinary Institutions of Higher Learning,Guide and urge the party committees of each college to combine their work with actual conditions,Formulate rules for implementing political gatekeeping on important matters,Clarify the specific content and working procedures of political gatekeeping,It is actually involved in major matters such as the reform and development of the college, the construction of the faculty, the vital interests of teachers and staff, and important work such as the introduction of teachers, curriculum construction, selection of teaching materials, and academic activities,We should make sure that our politics, direction and policies are properly handled。

Second, continue to strengthen the political functions of second-level party organizations。Organize second-level party organizations to conduct a centralized self-examination of the performance of political responsibilities and the promotion of reform and development, and effectively promote reform and improve quality through inspection。The grassroots party organizations to promote the development of the cause as an important content of the school inspection, the comprehensive strict governance of the Party's main responsibility implementation inspection and assessment, the grassroots party organization secretary to grasp the party building review and evaluation, through the inspection and assessment to force the implementation of responsibility。

In view of the rectification of the "drawing a parallel" issue, "guiding and supervising the second-level party organizations to fulfill their political responsibilities by strictly implementing the decision-making procedures, implementing the meeting system, and strengthening political gatekeeping is not strict enough"。一是Strengthen work guidance,面向各二级党组织书记、专职组织员开展专题培训,制定《欧洲杯投注》,指导各二级党组织严格执行议事决策程序,规范会前酝酿把关、会后监督执行等工作环节。Second, we will strengthen regular scheduling,We will strictly implement the bi-weekly meeting system for secretaries of second-level party organizations,Timely communicate superior decision and deployment,Listen to reports on the work of second-level party organizations,Deployment to promote school priorities,Focus on understanding the second-level party organizations through the party building to promote the cause of development,To guide and urge the Party Committee of the college to take up political responsibilities,Continuously improve the initiative and consciousness of the college Party committee in planning and discussing major events。

3) Vigorously promote key tasks such as educational evaluation reform

First, we will continue to promote the reform of educational evaluation。The Standing Committee of the University Party Committee conducted a special study on the implementation of the Overall Plan for Deepening the Reform of Educational Evaluation in the New Era,Listen to reports on the progress of reform,We made a systematic analysis of the implementation of the 174 identified reform measures,Summarize work experience in time and improve existing problems,Take into account the new situation and new requirements,We will redeploy and promote key tasks in teacher evaluation, scientific research evaluation, and student evaluation。

Second, continuous improvement of teacher evaluation。坚持“破五唯”导向,修订《欧洲杯哪里可以网投》,完善各类专业技术职务基本任职条件,启动2023年职称评聘工作,不断提升职称评聘的科学性和导向性。Strengthen the work of front-line students, and strictly implement the requirements of "young teachers who are promoted to a higher title must have at least one year's work experience as counselors, class teachers and other students.。

In response to the problem of "drawing inferences from one another" and "talent team reform needs to be further deepened",We will continue to reform the systems and mechanisms for developing human resources,We will focus on improving the mechanism for building a team of high-end talents,On the basis of the original annual salary system personnel management methods,Revised Measures for the Administration of the Employment of High-level Talents and Measures for the Implementation of the Introduction of Talents,Quality and contribution as the main principles,Clarify the responsibilities and main tasks of high-end talents,We will continue to increase efforts to attract and train high-level talents,Provide strong talent support for the high quality and connotative development of the school。

3.In view of the gap in the implementation of the fundamental task of establishing people,The Party committee of the school closely focuses on the fundamental issue of education: what people to train, how to train people, and for whom to train people, and the core issue of building an educational power,坚持不懈用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想铸魂育人,We will continue to promote reform and innovation in ideological and political work,We will continue to make new achievements in promoting moral development and cultivating people。

(1) Intensify the construction of Marxism College

The first is to strengthen the overall design of the construction of the "First College"。Comprehensively implement the "Plan for the Construction of Marxist College in the New Era", further clarify the college's goal positioning and development ideas, and continue to focus on consolidating the discipline direction, deepening the reform of education and teaching, optimizing the talent pool, and strengthening theoretical research and interpretation。Since the inspection and rectification, the Standing Committee of the University Party Committee has conducted two special studies on the construction of the Marxist College, and timely studied and solved key and difficult problems in the construction of ideological and political teachers and the reform of ideological and political courses。

The second is to consolidate the responsibility of leadership, school leaders take the lead in promoting the construction of ideological and political courses。Rectification period,The secretary of the Party Committee and the president of the university are entitled "University Life in the New Era" respectively,Are you ready? "Down to earth, Good Work, Good Youth in the New Era" taught "the first lesson of the semester" for students,And have a discussion with student representatives,Encourage young students to participate in the construction of a strong country,Strive to grow into a new era worthy of the task of national rejuvenation;Other school leaders gave ideological and political lessons to students for 11 times。Each school leader contacted and guided a teacher of ideological and political courses, attended a total of 29 lectures during the rectification period, participated in collective lesson preparation and teaching discussion 15 times, and strictly grasped the teaching quality。Strengthen the priority guarantee in the teaching arrangement, the class size reaches the middle class teaching standard, and ensure the teaching effect。

The third is to build a strong college leadership and teachers。根据学院建设发展需要,遴选具有丰富欧洲杯投注管理工作经验的干部担任学院院长,积极推进人才引进和招聘,制定公开招聘方案和高层次人才及紧缺岗位方案,2023年招聘引进思政课专职教师2人。

In view of the rectification of "drawing a lesson from one to the other", "the construction of full-time and part-time teachers of ideological and political courses needs to be strengthened"。First, we should further increase the efforts of full-time ideological and political teachers to introduce education and earnestly implement itIdeological and political course teacher construction plan,Ideological and political teachers shall be assigned in strict accordance with the ratio of teacher to student 1:350;Organize ideological and political teachers to go to Yulin, Shaanxi Province to participate in the national college ideological and political teachers summer social practice training and party spirit exercise activities,A series of thematic trainings on teacher ethics, education and teaching, and mental health have been carried out successively.Strengthen assessment,Establish a dynamic withdrawal mechanism for ideological and political teachers。二是加强兼职思政课教师Team building,持续拓宽引才视野、整合育人力量,制定《欧洲杯哪里可以网投》,明确兼职教师队伍的建设思路和工作原则,着力形成兼职教师与专职教师优势互补、协同育人的良好氛围。

(2) Continue to promote the construction of "major ideological and political courses"

First, focus on improving the attractiveness of ideological and political teaching。Organize ideological and political teachers to regularly carry out collective lesson preparation and lesson grinding, "teaching competition" competition, and constantly improve teaching methods and improve teaching level。Perfect ideological and political course teaching design,Actively promote ideological and political practice teaching reform,Formulate "Ideological and political course practice teaching reform plan" and ideological and political course practice teaching syllabus,Build "Xingzhi China" ideological and political practice teaching brand,Cooperate with Pingjin Campaign Memorial Hall to build a Marxist college,Signed an agreement with Zhou Deng Memorial Hall and Tianjin Federation of Trade Unions to build a "big ideological and political course" base,Explore the teaching mode of "ideological and political practice elective course + in-class practice + ideological and political class in the venue",To realize the deep integration of "small ideological and political classroom" and "large social classroom"。

The second is to deeply implement the "133" curriculum ideological and political construction project。Organize and carry out the collection and selection activities of excellent ideological and political teaching cases and materials, select a total of 84 excellent cases, and build a sharing platform of curriculum ideological and political teaching resources。Selected the tree curriculum ideological and political demonstration class, and approved the construction of 9 municipal and 163 school-level curriculum ideological and political demonstration courses, covering all majors。Carry out the "three full education" advanced collective and outstanding individual selection,A total of 4 "charming classes" of ideological and political courses, 10 excellent teachers of ideological and political courses, 15 demonstration posts of management and education, 3 demonstration collectives of management and education, 2 demonstration posts of service and education, and 10 excellent counselors were selected and commended,Give full play to the leading role of advanced models,Create collaborative education。

In response to "draw inferences”整改事项“在各类课程建设中,对思政元素的挖掘和融入不够”问题,修订人才培养方案和各类课程教学大纲,进一步强化课程思政素材的挖掘和融入,推进思政教育与专业教育有机融合。The level of ideological and political construction of the curriculum should be incorporated into the evaluation system of curriculum construction, and the evaluation of the effectiveness of ideological and political education of the curriculum should be further strengthened in the "Reward Measures for High-level Teaching Achievements (Trial)" and "First-class undergraduate Curriculum Construction Plan"。

(3) The first standard of tree fast teacher's ethics and wind

First, we should do a good job in teacher ethics training。召开校党委全委扩大会议,校党委书记传达习近平总书记教师节重要指示精神和全国优秀教师代表座谈会精神,就大力Promote the spirit of educators、落实好立德树人根本任务提出要求,对强化师德师能、守好育人阵地进行部署。The principal took the lead in teaching the compulsory course of teachers' Ethics, Ten Principles of Professional Behavior for College Teachers in the New Era。A series of special trainings on ideology, career planning, teaching and research ability have been carried out for teachers, and publicity and education on the rule of law have been intensified, so as to continuously improve teachers' professional cultivation and educational and teaching ability。

The second is to strictly implement the teacher ethics commitment and assessment system。Organize all the faculty and staff to sign the Letter of Commitment of Teachers' Ethics and standardize the establishment of teachers' ethics archives。Organize all colleges and departments to conduct a comprehensive self-examination of the signing of the "Letter of Commitment for Teachers' Ethics" and the construction of teachers' ethics archives, and guide all faculty and staff to constantly improve their ideological understanding and seriously conduct self-evaluation。Organize and carry out the assessment of teachers' ethics, strictly implement the "Measures for Dealing with Staff's Misconduct of Teachers' Ethics", and effectively take the performance of teachers' ethics as the first standard for staff performance assessment, title evaluation and recruitment, and evaluation and reward。对Teachers and responsible persons who have problems with teachers' ethics will be dealt with seriously。

In view of the "drawing inferences from one another" rectification matters, the "teacher ethics assessment mechanism needs to be further improved" problem,Strict assessment standards for teachers' ethics,Standardize the assessment procedures for teachers' ethics,From the teacher self-evaluation, unit evaluation, school evaluation and other different levels,Comprehensively analyze and evaluate the performance of teachers' ethics,Strengthen the application of assessment results,Zero tolerance for teacher moral misconduct,Handle the matter seriously in accordance with the law and regulations。

In the next step, the school Party Committee will continue to do the following rectification work:

First, we will further improve the working mechanism and provide guidance and promotion。Adhere to the construction of teachers' ethics as the first priority of the construction of teachers,Every semester, the Standing Committee of the Party Committee will conduct special studies on the construction of teachers' ideological politics and ethics,The construction of teachers' ethics and style will be an important part of the inspection and assessment of the implementation of the main responsibility of strictly governing the Party,Continue to improve the management system and operating mechanism of teachers' ethics construction under the unified leadership of the Party Committee, the leadership and responsibility of the teachers' work Department of the Party Committee, the cooperation of relevant units, the careful implementation of second-level party organizations, and the participation of teachers and students。

The second is to further strengthen publicity and education, pay attention to the cultivation of teacher ethics。We must give top priority to improving the ideological and political quality and professional ethics of teachers,Pay attention to the unity of political direction, value orientation, education orientation and career aspirations,Organize Party organizations at all levels to teach teachers "Compulsory courses of Teacher Ethics",Relying on "Tianshang Lecture Hall" and "Mingde Forum" to carry out theoretical preaching covering all grassroots,Activities such as "Teacher Ethics Construction Month" were held,Carry out a series of training for teachers' ethics throughout the year,Focus on giving full play to the role of positive exemplary guidance and negative exemplary warning education,Guide teachers to establish themselves by virtue, learn by virtue and teach by virtue。Adhere to teacher ethics, teachers can grasp together,Carry out targeted education training through the teacher development Center,Build teacher training bases with enterprises and public institutions,Carry out exchanges and cooperation with the talent team of industry enterprises,Support teachers to conduct study visits at home and abroad,Strive to build a platform for the growth and development of teachers,Promote the ideological and political level of teachers and improve their ability to educate people。

The third is to further establish the first standard and strengthen the assessment and evaluation。Adhere to the teacher's ethics and style as the first standard to evaluate the quality of teachers,We will continue to improve the working mechanism for punishing good faith commitment and dishonesty,Strengthen the guidance and supervision of the teachers' ethics file management, the signing of the letter of commitment of teachers' ethics and the assessment of teachers' ethics,Standardize the process of dealing with misconduct of teachers' ethics and academic violations,Strengthen the application of teacher ethics assessment results,We will strictly implement the "one vote veto" system,The requirement of teachers' ethics runs through the whole process of teachers' construction and development。

4.In response to the problem of weak links in ideological work, the university Party Committee strictly implements the responsibility system of ideological work, constantly improves the political position, strengthens the risk awareness, establishes the bottom line thinking, and resolutely maintains the position of college education。

(1) Strictly implement the ideological responsibility system

Always adhere to the guiding position of Marxism in the field of ideology,Further consolidate the political responsibility of the ideological work of Party organizations at the university and college levels,Constantly improve the ideological work related system and promote the implementation,The ideological work situation will be included in the assessment and management of leading groups and leading cadres, and cadre training,Strengthen supervision and inspection of the implementation of the responsibility system in grass-roots units。

In response to the problem of "drawing inferiori" rectification matters and "grasping the ideological analysis and judgment of second-level party organizations is not solid enough",Further improve the leadership mechanism of ideological work in second-level party organizations,Conduct regular research on the ideological and political situation of teachers and students,Timely attention and response to the demands of teachers and students,Strengthen attendance guidance for relevant important meetings of the college,Continuously enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of ideological analysis and judgment of grassroots Party organizations。

(2) Strengthen the management of various education positions

We should normalize the management of teaching materials, classrooms, forums, networks and other positions, improve the management methods of positions, and give full play to the educational role of various positions。Strengthen the construction of news and publicity teams, increase training and guidance, and constantly improve the theoretical literacy, knowledge level and professional ability of news and publicity personnel, so as to better play the important role of publicity work in uniting teachers and students and promoting development。Carry out special checks on the release of network information, clarify the working procedures and standards of information release, and ensure that the content specifications of various websites at all levels of the school are accurate and updated in a timely manner。

In response to the problem of "drawing parallels" and "supervision and inspection of the construction and management of various new media positions are not strict enough",We will strictly implement the review and filing system for all types of websites at all levels and new media such as wechat public accounts and Weibo,Vigorously promote the Party's innovation theory online dissemination,Actively carry forward the main theme,Spread positive energy,Create a clean and positive campus network space。

(3)We will work hard to improve our security capabilities

We will guide Party organizations at all levels to take safeguarding cyber ideological security as an important political responsibility,In the grassroots theoretical preaching, daily ideological and political education work,Network ideology work requirements as the focus of training,Organize the secretary of the second-level party organization to give a special lecture to the teachers, students and staff of the unit,Guide teachers and students to standardize network behavior and improve network literacy。Hold "strong quality, build ability" education training courses for leading cadres at the department level, invite experts to make special guidance reports, and effectively improve the ability to do a good job in the new situation。

In response to the problem of "drawing lessons from one another" rectification matters "the ability to accurately identify and early warning risks needs to be enhanced",Further tree firm bottom line thinking,Strictly grasp the "three-level research and judgment",Regularly organize and carry out hidden dangers investigation in key areas,Integrate ideological work into daily life and make it a regular practice,Continue to improve risk early warning and prevention capabilities。


(1) Adhering to the priority of high-quality development

First, we must promote development through discipline building。The school discipline construction committee should be set up to strengthen the overall design and coordination of discipline construction。校党委常委会专题学习习近平总书记关于建设教育强国的重要论述,听取博士学位授权点建设及申报工作情况汇报,对照博士点建设和学科评估指标,全面分析学科建设现状,研究制定《欧洲杯哪里可以网投》。The whole school discipline construction work conference was held, high-level experts were invited to make guidance reports, and the whole school was mobilized to further emancipate the mind, strengthen understanding, clarify ideas, and improve measures, so as to promote the overall work level of the school to continue to improve through strengthening discipline construction。

Second, focus on the primary task of personnel training。Continue to consolidate the characteristics of innovation and entrepreneurship talent training, improve the "consciousness, knowledge, ability, experience" four-in-one innovation and entrepreneurship education system, and strengthen the construction of "Tianshang Weidu" national innovation and entrepreneurship education practice base。Vigorously promote students to carry out innovation and entrepreneurship activities, and launch the "excellent innovation Plan" and "run-up plan"。In the 9th China International "Internet Plus" College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition,Won 12 municipal gold awards,入围国赛7项;获第七届天津市创客马拉松大赛一、二等奖各1项;6个团队在“天开杯”2022年大学生电商直播就业创业大赛中获奖;5个团队在全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛总决赛中获奖;2个作品在“挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛专项赛中获国家级奖项。175 "Big innovation Plan" projects have been approved at the municipal level and above, of which 59 are national and 4 are municipal key projects。Improve the employment incentive mechanism,We will formulate employment assessment measures and continue to deepen the supply-side reform of personnel training with employment as the incision。

Third, we will deepen the integration of industry and education and the integration of science and education。The Cold Chain Modern Industry College was established to cooperate with enterprises and industries to carry out personnel training and scientific research, continue to expand off-campus practice bases, and strive to cultivate high-quality applied, composite and innovative talents who adapt to and lead the development of modern industry。Approved 3 service industry graduate workstations, 2 Tianjin university service industry characteristic subject groups。

In response to the problem of "drawing a lesson from one to the other" and the problem of "insufficient effective support of talent team for discipline and professional construction",Strengthen the university Party committee to coordinate the work of talents,The Standing Committee of the university Party Committee studies the introduction of talents,The introduction of talents should be regarded as the most urgent task and priority in the construction of talents team,We will continue to broaden channels for attracting talents,We will improve the policy on talent introduction,Strictly control the quality standards of talent introduction,Vigorously introduce the discipline professional construction urgently needed talents,Strong support for discipline construction and professional development。

(2)We will intensify efforts to develop key disciplines

First, actively promote the construction of key business disciplines。校党委常委会专题研究学科建设,对照学科评估结果,重点针对工商管理一级学科建设情况解剖麻雀,深入分析学科在凝练方向、Team building、科研创新和服务社会等方面存在的问题,提出加强和改进的思路举措。

Second, efforts should be made to improve the discipline construction level of doctoral programs。A special meeting of heads of disciplines of power engineering, engineering thermophysics, and applied economics was held to summarize and analyze the status quo of discipline construction, and formulate discipline quality improvement plans in terms of personnel training, scientific research and innovation, team building, social services, and discipline reputation。In August 2023, the school was elected as the Vice chairman unit of the China Society of Industrial Economics, and established the modern service industry Professional Committee, which effectively enhanced the influence of the school's applied economics discipline。Continued to expand open education, signed the "Cooperation Agreement on Joint Doctoral Training Program" with the University of Paris Saceray, France, and signed the "Memorandum of Understanding on Joint Doctoral Training Program" with the University of Huddersfield, UK.。

In response to "draw inferences”整改事项“7个重点学科建设情况还不理想”问题,对照学科评估指标体系,组织7个市级重点学科分别制定学科质量提升计划,对11个一级学科建设情况进行调研分析,Propose improvement measures。

Next, the school Party committee will continue to do the following work:

First, we will comprehensively implement measures to optimize and improve disciplines。Constantly improve the discipline construction mechanism, optimize and integrate discipline resources, and promote interdisciplinary integration。Solid implementation of business administration, power engineering and engineering thermal physics, applied economics and other key disciplines to improve the plan, regularly listen to construction reports, constantly improve the promotion measures, the completion of key indicators into the performance assessment。

The second is to actively promote the construction of top discipline cultivation projects in Tianjin。Strictly implement the measures of the discipline quality improvement plan for the establishment of doctoral programs, organize the application of new doctoral degree-granting units and doctoral programs, and strive to build a discipline high point。Closely match the needs of the industry, strengthen the construction of specialty groups in the service industry, formulate management measures for the construction of specialty groups in the service industry, and organize relevant colleges to apply for graduate workstations in the service industry。

The third is to strengthen the strong support of the talent team for the development of the discipline。Continue to expand the vision of attracting talents, smooth the channels of attracting talents, focus on the urgent need of discipline and professional construction, formulate a talent introduction plan, raise the strength of the whole school to attract talents and wisdom, and strive to achieve a new breakthrough in the introduction of high-level talents in key disciplines。

(3)We will enhance the ability of scientific research and innovation to serve society

First, we will enhance our ability to transform scientific research results。强化有组织科研,抓好团队、平台、项目,制定《欧洲杯哪里可以网投》《欧洲杯哪里可以网投》《欧洲杯哪里可以网投》,成立农产品低碳冷链研究中心、老字号协同创新研究中心两个省部级科研平台。2023年,获批国家基金项目11项,其中国家自然科学基金重点项目1项;获得国家重点研发计划子课题7项;获天津市社会科学优秀成果奖10项,获中国商业联合会服务业科技创新奖二等奖2项;出版学术专著20部。Research on applied technology was strengthened, and 75 patents were approved, including 55 invention patents and 7 conversion patents。Eleven scientific research achievements were presented at the China International Industry Expo, and four projects were presented at the 7th World Intelligence Congress。

The second is to fully serve the construction of Tiankai Higher Education Science and Innovation Park。Held the 2023 scientific research work Promotion Meeting and scientific research policy interpretation meeting, national project exchange meeting,The secretary of the Party Committee of the university led a team to visit Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai alumni associations,To the majority of teachers and alumni to preach the opening of the park policy, scientific and technological achievements transformation policy,To provide policy support and service guarantee for teachers, students and alumni to "Tiankai Garden" business。Two teachers, students and alumni enterprises settled in Tiankai Garden。

The third is to actively serve the innovation and development of our city's time-honored enterprises。It will promote the innovation and development of time-honored brands as an important entry point to serve economic and social development,Conscientiously implement the implementation plan of revitalizing old industrial brands in our city,To successfully approved the first batch of national time-honored collaborative innovation center (theoretical research) as an opportunity,Twenty specific measures were proposed in terms of theoretical support, consulting services and personnel training,Effectively help time-honored enterprises and empower high-quality development。In the next step, the center will be based in Tianjin, radiating Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, facing the whole country, focusing on the innovation of time-honored business models, and striving to provide theoretical and intellectual support for the innovation and development of time-honored enterprises。

Fourth, we will continue to provide advisory services。Submitted 11 advisory and administrative research reports to the relevant ministries and commissions of the State, and submitted two decision-making consulting reports, one of which was included in the "Internal Reference for Reform".。The Modern Service Industry Development Research Center was rated as the first batch of Tianjin high-end cultivation think tanks, and the Science Science Ideological and Political Research Center was rated as Tianjin university cultivation think tanks。

In response to "draw inferences”整改事项“科技成果转化机制还不完善”问题,持续推进科研体制机制改革,成立Research achievements transformation center,完善Scientific research achievement转化机制,加强对Scientific research achievement转化的组织推动,加大对学校Scientific research achievement推介宣传力度。

In the next step, the school Party Committee will continue to do the following rectification work:

First, actively create a good environment for the incubation, transformation and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements。Strengthen the certification of high-level scientific research results, build a large and strong fruit database, and provide more sources for the transformation of results。We will strengthen the allocation of multiple factors, promote school-enterprise and school-local cooperation and transformation, and establish and improve cooperation mechanisms。Promote multi-channel promotion, establish a three-dimensional promotion approach combining online and offline, form a dynamic list of results, and formulate the title of the unveiling list with the school, school and enterprise partners。Deepen the technology transfer service, equipped with an expert technical brokerage team, based on the scientific research achievements transformation center, and further improve the results transfer transformation service system。The whole process of service transformation, in the development of transformation plan, looking for the target, choose the transformation mode, results pricing, negotiation and signing of the whole process services。

Second, continue to improve the support and contribution to high-quality development。依托老字号协同创新中心,主动对接服务我市老字号企业,开展老字号商业模式创新研究与商业文化研究,申报一批项目和课题,形成一批资政建言报告,推出老字号商业发展白皮书,赋能老字号企业创新发展。与老字号企业签订校企战略合作协议,为老字号企业提供产品升级与绿色发展关键技术、品牌管理、运营管理、品牌保护等咨询服务,争取承担一批校企研发合作项目,激发老字号品牌焕新。加强老字号企业人才培训服务,为老字号企业提供订单式培训,探索开设老字号企业定制班,与企业共建课程,加强老字号商业文化传承创新教育,有针对性培养老字号技术人才和管理人才。Hold a high-end forum on the high-quality development of time-honored brands, invite representatives of time-honored enterprises, experts and scholars, experts from government departments or industry experts, etc., to form an academic exchange position for the innovation and development of time-honored brands, and provide intellectual support for promoting the innovation and development of time-honored brands。

(2) On the implementation of the strategic deployment of comprehensively strict Party governance has weaknesses, the problem of false responsibility for Party governance and the continuous consolidation of the "two responsibilities", and the rectification of the rectification opinions on comprehensively strict Party governance to the depth of development

The school party committee regards inspection and rectification as a powerful starting point for strict party management and governance,Adhere to a strict tone, strict measures, strict atmosphere,We will promote the full implementation of the responsibility for Party management and governance, improve the quality and efficiency of community-level party building, encourage officials to take responsibility for their work, and promote the formation of a clean and upright political environment,Provide a strong guarantee for the high quality development of the school。

6.Aiming at the problem of insufficient force to fulfill the main responsibility,The school party committee insists on the firm persistence of always on the road,Earnestly shoulder the main responsibility of governing the Party,Constantly strengthen the "first responsibility" of Party secretaries at all levels,"One position and two responsibilities" for members of leading groups at all levels,We will unswervingly promote comprehensive and strict Party self-governance in depth,Strive to create a clean and positive political ecology and a good atmosphere for entrepreneurship。

1) Conscientiously implement the responsibility of fully and strictly governing the Party

First, meet the requirements of the work and strengthen deployment and promotion。召开全面从严治党中期推动会和新学期工作部署会,深入贯彻落实《欧洲杯投注》,持续压紧压实各级党组织管党治党的政治责任,坚持党建与事业发展同谋划、同部署、同推进、同考核。校党委常委会专题学习习近平总书记关于党的建设的重要思想和关于全面从严治党的重要论述,The 46 documents issued by the Party Central Committee and the Municipal Committee in recent years on comprehensively strict Party governance and the reform and development of colleges and universities were reviewed and studied,Further strengthen the study and research on the deployment requirements of the Party Central Committee and the Municipal Committee,Deepen understanding of the situation and task of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party,Ensure full implementation。

Second, focus on the "key minority" and strengthen political supervision。The Standing Committee of the University Party Committee studied the Party Central Committee's "Opinions on Strengthening the supervision of the" first leader "and the leading Group" and the spirit of several measures of the Municipal Party Committee,Strict benchmarking and table alignment,This paper summarizes and analyzes the situation of "top leaders" and leading groups at all levels of the school fulfilling the responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party,Organize and carry out comprehensive self-inspections,Special meeting with the discipline inspection and supervision team,Identify the next step。

Third, strengthen problem-oriented and consolidate political responsibility。Combined with the results of the assessment and evaluation of the education system in implementing the main responsibility of comprehensively strict Party governance in recent years, the Standing Committee of the University Party Committee conducted a special study and analysis of the outstanding problems existing in the school's comprehensive strict Party governance work, deeply analyzed the reasons, and proposed improvement measures。We will organize Party organizations at all levels to redeploy and further promote the implementation of responsibilities and tasks against the main points of comprehensively strict Party governance and the annual "two lists", and strive to comprehensively promote strict Party governance in depth。

In response to "draw inferences”整改事项“对二级党组织学习贯彻党中央和市委关于全面从严治党的重要文件精神和重要决策部署情况抓得不紧”问题,指导各二级党组织严格落实党委会议“第一议题Party Committee theoretical Learning Center group "the first themeCadre education and training "the first main courseIt is required to study the relevant important documents and decision-making arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the Municipal Committee in a timely manner, and further refine the implementation measures in combination with the actual work。The study and implementation of second-level party organizations will be incorporated into party building and the assessment of the overall responsibility of strictly governing the Party。

2) Conscientiously implement the deployment requirements for Party self-governance

We will always uphold and strengthen the Party's overall leadership,Give full play to the Party's leading role in political construction,It is the highest political principle and fundamental political rule to firmly uphold the "two establishment" and resolutely achieve the "two maintenance",We will continue to improve the mechanism for implementing the Central Committee's major decisions and plans,Strictly implement the "first issue" requirements of the Standing Committee meeting of the University Party Committee,We will improve the rules for examining and signing central and municipal documents,Establish a learning communication and implementation ledger,The Standing Committee of the Party Committee reviewed and studied relevant important documents in 13 special topics,Firmly grasp the task of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party in the new era and the new journey,We will unswervingly promote the implementation of the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the Municipal Committee。

In response to the problem of "drawing inference from one to three" rectification matters, "the members of the leadership team are not in place to fulfill the" one post and two responsibilities",Urge the members of the school leadership team to strictly compare the annual "two lists",Regularly study, arrange, promote, and inspect the work of strictly governing the Party in all departments and areas under their charge,Conscientiously implement the system of giving special party lessons, and carrying out talks with cadres in charge of areas and departments to perform their duties,Prompt and remind those responsible for ineffective implementation of responsibilities and slow progress of tasks。

3) Strengthening prevention and control of integrity risks in key areas

First, we will strictly manage reimbursement of scientific research funds。We will carry out special checks on the management of scientific research funds。Optimize the fund management process, set the scientific research project budget adjustment process in the financial information management platform, and realize timely budget adjustment through online flow approval, so as to provide convenience for teachers。Strengthen the propaganda and interpretation of scientific research policies, effectively give full play to the maximum use of scientific research funds, stimulate the vitality of teachers' scientific research, and drive the continuous improvement of the level of scientific research in schools。

Second, we will strengthen management of official vehicles。Improve the management process for the use of official vehicles, formulate a flow chart for the reimbursement of official transportation expenses, strictly apply in advance, adhere to strict examination and reimbursement based on facts。

In response to the problem of "drawing a lesson from one to the other" rectification, "the study and publicity of the management policy of scientific research funds are not in place",Issued the Compilation of Scientific Research Management Documents,Strengthen the publicity and interpretation of policies related to the management and use of scientific research funds,Special training for scientific research personnel and financial personnel,In strict implementation of scientific research funds management requirements at the same time,Strive to create a loose and good scientific research atmosphere for teachers,Motivate teachers to produce more quality results。

In the next step, the school Party Committee will continue to do the following rectification work:

First, we will continue to strengthen the prevention and control of integrity risks。组织开展重点领域廉洁问题排查整治“回头看”,指导各重点领域部门全面排查廉洁风险点,健全管理制度,Standardize work flow,细化防控举措,不断完善廉洁风险防控“一流程两台账”工作机制,切实抓好源头治理、堵塞管理漏洞。

Second, we will continue to do a good job in the management and supervision of cadre education。Put education first,Start with solving the problem of ideological root,Through special party lessons, clean government performance talks, warning education, training rotation training and other ways,The party spirit education, incentive education, style education in the regular, into the daily,Guide cadres to establish correct views on power, achievements and undertakings,Build a strong ideological "dam" to resist corruption and change。Adhere to strict management,Pay attention to catch early catch small,Focus on strengthening the supervision of the "top leaders" and leading groups at all levels,Continue to improve the management ideology, management work, management style, management discipline of the strict management system,We will intensify supervision and assessment of officials' performance of their duties in accordance with the law, their use of power, their responsibility, their integrity, and their self-discipline,We will promote coordination in organizational supervision, resident supervision, inspection supervision, audit supervision, and teacher-student supervision。Make good use of the "four forms" of supervision and enforcement of discipline, guide second-level Party organizations and functional departments to accurately standardize and make good use of the "first form", early detection, early warning and early correction of the emergence and tendency problems, and guide cadres to know fear, fear and keep the bottom line。

7.In response to the insufficient efforts to fulfill the responsibility of accredited supervision, the school Party Committee not only takes the main responsibility, but also fully supports the work of the accredited discipline inspection and supervision team, and strives to achieve the "two responsibilities" with the same frequency resonance and the same direction。

(1) Strengthen the supervision of the school Party committee and the lower "leader"

First, strengthen the "embedded" supervision of important meetings of the leadership team。The leader of the discipline inspection and supervision team is dispatched to participate in the meetings of the Standing Committee of the University Party Committee, the work of the leadership team, the study of the theoretical center group, and the deputy leader attends important meetings of the leadership team such as the president's office meeting, and puts forward supervision suggestions in a timely manner。Establish a discipline inspection and supervision team to strengthen the "first leader" and the leading group to supervise the work ledger, regularly remind the school Party Committee of the production work, and notify the second-level party organization of the production work。

The second is to urge and guide the second-level discipline inspection commission to strengthen the daily supervision of the Party committee leadership at the same level, and regularly report important matters of political supervision。Establish the political supervision ledger of the dispatched discipline inspection and supervision team, and guide the second-level discipline inspection commission to improve the quality and effectiveness of supervision。

In response to the problem of "drawing a lesson from one to three" rectification matters, "the supervision of the university and college leadership and members to implement comprehensive and strict governance of the Party's main responsibility is not accurate enough"。One is to supervise and urge the two-level leadership of the school to study deeply the system documents of the Party Central Committee and the municipal Party Committee on strengthening the supervision of the "first leader" and the leadership team, to remind the school Party Committee of the production and distribution work, and to supervise and inspect the implementation of the school landing documents。The second is to seriously carry out daily supervision talks, and urge the compaction of the responsibility of the "first leader" by interviewing the "first leader" of the unit ranking behind the main responsibility assessment, the "first leader" of the inspection and rectification unit and the "first leader" of key positions in key departments。The third is to investigate the learning situation of the two-level theoretical learning center group and the education and training of cadres, and supervise and urge the school party committee to improve the ability of cadres to perform their duties through education and training。The fourth is to strengthen warning education, hold the whole school warning education conference, incorporate warning education into the "compulsory course" of cadre education and training, make good use of the "monthly lesson" platform of leading cadres' clean government learning, and organize and carry out 2 periods of special warning education learning。

(2) Continuously improve the quality and effectiveness of daily supervision

First, we will establish and improve a ledger for political oversight work。In accordance with the relevant requirements of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection on strengthening the daily supervision of colleges and universities, the political supervision ledger of the dispatched discipline inspection and supervision team was refined and improved, and the political supervision was promoted as specific, accurate and normalized。We will organize special supervision in key areas and resolutely eliminate potential risks to integrity。

Second, we will continue to improve the prevention mechanism for integrity risks in key areas。Revised the Clean Government Risk Prevention and Control Ledger in the Field of Student Canteen and the Interim Measures for the Procurement Management of Equipment, Services and Materials of the Logistics Department,Establish a rotation system for personnel in important positions,"Look back" on the special management and rectification of canteen integrity risk problems,Continue to investigate and rectify key posts and key links of clean government risk points,Continuously improve the management level of the canteen。

In response to the problem of "drawing parallels" and "daily supervision methods are not rich enough" in rectification matters,At important time nodes,To the school party committee for the production and distribution of tips,The implementation of the spirit of the eight provisions of the Central Committee and the correction of the "four winds" problem to carry out a clear investigation;We will carry out a special supervision on risk prevention and control of clean government every six months,Listen to the special work reports of 12 departments at risk of clean government,Supervise and investigate the risk of integrity of all posts,Review the whole process of prevention and control accounts,Investigate and supervise official vehicles and logistics canteens,Promote source control;Strengthen coordination with inspection supervision and audit supervision,We will promote the use of the results of inspection oversight and audit oversight。

In response to the problem of "drawing a conclusion from one to three" rectification matters, "the supervision of the risk of clean government in key areas of the school is not deep enough and not fine enough",Combine problems found by daily supervision,Further enhance the pertinence of work tips and suggestions,Strengthen the supervision of the relevant letters and the implementation of responsibilities, follow-up and effectiveness;Special supervision will be carried out in the fields of logistics infrastructure construction, bidding and procurement, and scientific research fund management,We will encourage relevant departments to continuously improve their management systems,Standardize work flow,Establish a long-term mechanism for preventing risks of clean government。

(3) Continuously improve the ability to enforce discipline

First, we will conduct a comprehensive self-examination of all the files of self-handled and closed cases from 2020 to 2022 to ensure the quality of the cases。Standardize the execution of disciplinary decisions, establish a ledger for the supervision and management of disciplinary decisions, and ensure the implementation of disciplinary decisions。


The third is to strengthen the daily supervision and guidance of the grassroots discipline inspection commission, carry out special training on political supervision for the grassroots discipline inspection commission, regularly remind the grassroots discipline inspection commission of key work, and earnestly implement the monthly important matters reporting system。

In response to the problem of "drawing inferior3" rectification matters, "Building an 'iron case project' still needs continuous efforts",Strengthen education and training,Stick to the study group system,In-depth study of Party discipline and administrative punishment decision implementation work methods, case quality assessment work methods, subject identity evidence collection guidelines and other institutional provisions,Effectively improve the professional ability of examination, investigation and trial and the level of application of policies and strategies;Strengthen institutional construction,To study and formulate normative documents of internal control system,Strengthen system implementation and accountability。

In the next step, the discipline inspection team will continue to do the following rectification work:

First, we will continue to strengthen political development,Take deep learning as the main line,Make unremitting efforts to condense the heart and cast the soul with the Party's innovative theory,Build strong political loyalty,Enhance political capacity,Always be absolutely loyal, absolutely reliable, absolutely pure,We will strictly implement the "first issue" system,Constantly improve the "five learning linkage" mechanism of leading cadres, party branch to promote learning, study group research, self-study of party members, and special class supervision,We will strengthen political education and Party spirit education,Enrich the forms of learning education,Urge to learn, think and use thoroughly,Knowledge, faith and practice are unified。

二是持续抓强能力建设,以实调研为路径,巩固拓展主题教育和教育整顿成果,精准研判拟定年度重点监督工作,作为重点调研课题,深入基层单位深入开展调研监督,精准发现问题,有力推动解决问题。Insist on what is lacking to make up for what,Learn what you do,We will fully implement the project to improve our case-handling capacity,Special rectification such as internal supervision and rectification, case quality evaluation and rectification, and punishment decision implementation and rectification are taken as an opportunity,Strengthen business training and practical exercise,Highlight actual combat results,We will urge cadres dispatched to discipline inspection and supervision teams and cadres of grassroots discipline commissions to do their best in learning and learning,Continuously improve the discipline inspection and supervision business capabilities。

三是持续抓实作风建设,以抓落实为关键,发扬彻底的自我革命精神,加强干部队伍日常教育管理监督,不断强化“严、准、实、深、效”的工作作风,坚持严管与厚爱并重,激励与约束并举,切实增强荣誉感、归属感。Adhere to the burden, handing over tasks, teaching methods, building platforms, promoting long, education and supervision of all cadres to consolidate the basic skills, practice versatile, temper excellent style。Strengthen the construction of the internal control system, strictly implement the system, strictly supervise themselves, form a normal long-term effect, and constantly improve the standardization, rule of law, and normalization level of discipline inspection and supervision work。

8.In view of the implementation of the spirit of the eight provisions of the central Committee, the continuous correction of the "four winds" are not strict,The Party committee of the university is deeply aware of the long-term, complexity and stubbornness of the problem of style,We will continue to strengthen our political and strategic resolve in comprehensively and strictly governing the Party,Continue to strengthen the central eight provisions of the dikes,We will give more prominence to the development of discipline and work style,In a spirit of thorough self-revolution, we will push forward the reform of the problem thoroughly and put it in place。

1) Continue to deepen the development of discipline and work style

First, we will strengthen the administration and oversight of cadre education。召开党的建设和全面从严治党工作推动会暨警示教育大会,举办处级干部“强素质·筑能力”教育培训班,通过邀请专家作专题讲座、观看警示教育片等形式,不断提升教育培训效果。We carried out special research on the management and supervision of the education of young cadres, formed research reports, and built four new management systems。Establish a system of supervision and contact persons for young cadres, and regularly carry out one-to-one heart-to-heart talks。Strengthen the construction of clean campus, implement the construction project of "Zhilan from Fang" clean culture, and cultivate a fertile soil for cultivating people。

Second, we will strengthen the prevention and control of integrity in key areas。严格公务用车管理,制定《欧洲杯投注》,对车辆使用时间、事由、地点、里程、油耗、费用等信息进行严格审核和登记备案,严格执行定点停放、定点加油、定点维修、节假日期间封存停驶等要求。

In response to the problem of "drawing inferences from one another" and "insufficient education reminders before major festivals and important nodes",Pay close attention to New Year's Day Spring Festival, "51" Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival National Day and other important nodes,A typical case of conveying learning notification in violation of the central eight provisions,Timely do a good job during the holiday work tips, clean reminder,Resolutely resist the "four winds" problem。

2) Continue to address formalism and bureaucracy

Conscientiously carry out the "speak of responsibility, promote action and implement,Continue to tackle formalistic bureaucracy, failure to take responsibility and inaction "special action,Organize the second-level party organizations to conduct re-comparison and re-inspection of the implementation of special actions,We will further improve the action plan and implement it,The Party Committee of the university guides and supervises the effectiveness of the special actions of the second-level party organizations。

In response to "draw inferences”整改事项“抓干部队伍作风建设还不够扎实”问题,抓好教育培训,邀请天津市委党校社会学教研部专家,以《欧洲杯投注》为题为全体中层干部作辅导报告。Keep an eye on important nodes, do a good job of integrity education reminders, organize second-level party organizations to combine inspection feedback, carry out investigation of clean government risks in key areas and key links, and guide the second-level discipline inspection organizations to carry out regular supervision and inspection of style construction。

(3)Strengthen the sense of responsibility

First, the leading group took the lead in improving the style of work and deepening investigation and research。Continue to strengthen the construction of the school's leadership team, earnestly implement the Decision of the School Party Committee on Further strengthening the School's Leadership team's self-construction, and take the lead in establishing a correct view of achievements。The secretary of the Party Committee of the university took the lead to visit the grass-roots party organizations under his jurisdiction, and timely promoted the solution of development problems and teachers and students' urgent problems。Team members adhere to the front-line investigation and on-site office as a normal work arrangement, and regularly go to the front line, worship teachers and students as teachers, and respond to the expectations of teachers and students in a timely manner。Each member of the team directly contacts the student party branch, student classes, and student dormitories, and serves as the teacher in charge of students and the contact person for the cultivation of students' Party membership activists;Have regular heart-to-heart talks with the young teachers, high-level talents and people outside the party。Take the theme education research as an opportunity,School leadership around the party's 20 strategic deployment,A number of high-quality institutional achievements and practical and effective ideas and measures have been introduced in the fields of college students' ideological and political work, disciplinary and professional construction, high-level talent team construction, scientific and technological innovation, cadre management and supervision, and campus governance,Efforts will be made to transform the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee into a vivid practice of high-quality development of the school。

Second, take the lead in tackling key and difficult tasks。Since 2023, the leadership team has taken the lead in overcoming difficulties,Continue to promote the solution of historical problems, completely resolve the five-year-long petition case, and at the same time, in the face of emergencies in the cooperative school project, properly handle with a positive attitude, and strive to lay a solid foundation for the long-term stability of the school。In response to issues related to the promotion of the construction of the Marxist College, the Party Committee of the University closely focused on the construction goal of the "First College", paid timely attention to the progress of important work, and coordinated to solve key and difficult problems。The secretary of the Party Committee and the president of the university have been to the School of Marxism five times for on-site office, and the members of the school leadership have taken the lead in teaching ideological and political courses, participated in collective lesson preparation, and jointly studied and promoted the teaching reform of ideological and political courses with the teachers of ideological and political courses。

Third, we will continue to improve the work style of officials。Hold special training courses for mid-level cadres, continue to deepen education on ideals and beliefs, and Party spirit, guide cadres to establish a correct view of political achievements, practice the fundamental purpose of the Party, and constantly enhance the entrepreneurial enthusiasm and initiative of officers。

In view of the problem of "drawing inference from one to three" rectification matters, "the effect of encouraging cadres to act is not outstanding enough"。First, establish a clear guidance for correct selection and employment, revise the school's "Implementation Rules for the selection and Appointment of middle-level Cadres", strictly treat the selection and employment of politics, integrity, and ability, and focus on selecting high-quality professional cadres who are loyal, clean and responsible。Formulate the Interim Measures for the Management of the Academic Recovery Period of middle-level Cadres, and promote the ability of cadres to move up and down。Second, we will do a good job in education and training,A three-day training course on special education for middle-level cadres will be held,According to the characteristics of cadres at different levels, in different fields and in different positions,Carry out classified and layered three-dimensional training,Group discussions focused on party affairs, personnel reform, education and teaching, scientific research disciplines and student work,We will guide cadres to continuously improve their professional level and their ability to promote career development。The third is to improve the assessment of cadres, formulate the work plan for the assessment of middle-level leading groups and middle-level cadres, and implement differentiated assessment for different positions of cadres, so as to effectively test the actual performance of cadres。

(3) On the implementation of the Party's organizational line in the new era is not high standards, the grassroots party building work is not firmly grasp the problem and give full play to the leading role of party building, the construction of high-level cadres and talents and other rectification opinions

学校党委深入学习贯彻习近平总书记关于党的建设的重要思想,We will fully implement the general requirements for Party building in the new era and the Party's organizational line in the new era,Effectively to the party's political construction to lead the school party construction work,We will comprehensively strengthen the self-improvement of leading groups,Build a team of high-quality professional cadres。

9.In view of the deficiency of the leadership group's own construction,The school leadership earnestly implements the "Decision on Further Strengthening the School Leadership's Self-Construction",Continuous improvement of learning, optimization style,Take the lead in performing duties and responsibilities,Strive to build a strong leadership group with strong convictions, strong politics, strong responsibilities, strong capabilities, and strong work style。

(1) Strive to improve the standard of theoretical armament

Continuous improvement of Party Committee theoretical learning Center group learning,把学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想作为首要任务,及时跟进学习习近平总书记重要讲话和重要指示批示精神,Set a study theme each month,The secretary of the University Party Committee personally approves the study plan, program and report of the University Party Committee Theory Center group,Members of the Central group actively participate in leading, guiding and exchange seminars。Hold special reading classes, carry out special discussions according to the standard of "quasi-life", and innovate learning models such as on-site learning and study visits。Strict study discipline, improve the collective discussion, investigation and research, attendance and other working mechanisms。

In response to "draw inferences”整改事项“理论中心组学习形式较为单一”问题,校党委不断丰富理论中心组学习形式,校党委书记、校长带领中心组成员赴南开大学、天津大学开展学访调研,进一步提升学习实效。

(2) Focus on strengthening the party spirit

First, seriously study the spirit of "Several guidelines for Political Life within the Party under the New Situation" and "Several Provisions for the Democratic Life of Leading Cadres of Party Members and State organs at or above the county level.,Improve the ideological understanding,We will take high-quality democratic life as an important way to promote inner-party democracy, strengthen inner-party supervision, and solve contradictions and problems by relying on the leadership's own strength,Constantly strengthen the blade inward self-revolution courage,Use the weapons of criticism and self-criticism,It effectively reflects the political, contemporary, principled and combative nature of the political activities within the Party。

The second is to adhere to high standards and strict requirements, and effectively make democratic life a high-quality and new result。2023年,The leading group has held three special democratic life meetings,The Party committee of the university carefully formulated the work plan,Make solid preparation before the meeting,The secretary of the Party Committee of the university talked with the Standing Committee one by one before the meeting,Listen to advice,Point out deficiencies,We should really talk about the problem, explain the truth, and talk through the ideas,It is especially emphasized that mutual criticism should be out of public heart, open heart, go straight to the theme, and dare to fight,We will never cover up problems or avoid contradictions。At the meeting, each standing Committee of the Party Committee put themselves in, put their responsibilities in, put their work in, in the self-criticism, the courage to dissect themselves, expose shortcomings and ugly, see people see things see ideas, and achieve the effect of red face sweating and detoxification treatment when criticizing each other。After the meeting, timely rectification of problems, through rectification, further temper the political character of loyalty, clean and responsible, and improve the ability to perform duties。

In response to the problem of "drawing a parallel" rectification and "there is a gap in the implementation of the dual organizational life system by members of the school leadership team", all school leaders strictly implement the dual organizational life system and insist on participating in the learning and education activities of the party branch as ordinary party members。结合学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想主题教育,校党委书记为中层干部讲授专题党课,其他校领导到分管领域、部门或党支部讲授专题党课,加强对党支部工作的指导,推动基层党建工作水平不断提升。

(3) Strengthen the examination and control of the use of large funds


In response to the problem of "drawing inferential inferential facts" and "insufficient guidance on the budget management of special funds",We will strengthen oversight over the whole process of the use of special funds,Analyze and evaluate the implementation of budget funds,Funds that do not meet the requirements for the use of funds,It shall be recovered and used by the school as a whole,Focus on teaching funds, service support funds, infrastructure projects and other large special funds use of special analysis,Prepare budget implementation analysis report,Achieve special funds, special management,Ensure efficient use of funds。Formulate the Measures for the Management of Budget Review and Prior Performance Evaluation and the Measures for the Management of Project Libraries, and strengthen supervision over the use and management of special funds。

10.In view of the implementation of the Party's management of cadres, the Party's management of personnel principle is not in place,The University Party Committee strictly implements the Regulations on the Selection and Appointment of Party and Government Leading Cadres,We will further strengthen the overall planning of the construction of the cadre team and the check and guidance of the training and selection of young cadres,We will intensify efforts to attract and train high-level talents,Strive to provide strong talent support and team guarantee for the development of the school。

1) Vigorously train and select young cadres

The Standing Committee of the University Party Committee has made special studies on the construction of the team of young cadres, deliberated the selection of outstanding young cadres, and strengthened the check and guidance on the training and selection of young cadres。Carry out research on young cadres in 15 teaching units and relevant functional departments, smooth the channels for cadre selection and training, and fill the "reservoir" of young cadres.。The university revised the Measures for the Appointment and Management of section-level Posts, adjusted the decision-making procedures for the appointment and removal of section-level cadres, and the Standing Committee of the University Party Committee checked and approved the selection plans and appointment and removal results of section-level cadres。

In response to "draw inferences”整改事项“对年轻干部队伍情况的调研还不够深入”问题,加强干部梯队建设,做好年轻干部Team building情况调研,在全校范围开展2次干部无任用推荐,及时把“好苗子”纳入组织视野。

2) Continue to improve the mechanism for selecting cadres

First, adhere to the principle that the Party oversees officials and improve the work mechanism for officials。We will set up a cadre working group, further strengthen the overall planning, communication and deliberation of the construction of the cadre team, and improve the efficiency of the selection and appointment of cadres。

The second is to select and strengthen leading groups and cadres at all levels。Revised the Implementation Rules for the Selection and Appointment of Middle-Level Cadres, started the work of replacing cadres, and promoted 12 middle-level cadres and adjusted 49 middle-level cadres by 2023。Improve the exit mechanism for middle-level cadres, formulate and promulgation of the Interim Measures for the Management of the Academic Recovery Period of Middle-level Cadres。

In response to the problem of "drawing a parallel" and "insufficient efforts to promote the training and training of cadres in multiple positions",The Standing Committee of the university Party Committee studied the construction of the cadre team,Strengthen the team structure and operation analysis and judgment,To study and solve the prominent problems existing in the construction of cadres;Implement the Implementation Measures for on-the-Job Training of Young Cadre Teachers (Trial),We will promote the exchange of posts between college and government officials,18 full-time teachers and 2 cadres were selected to practice in the college,Two young teachers are recommended to the Organization Department of Hedong District Party Committee for practical training,Two cadre teachers were selected into the first phase of the New Era Marxist political talent Training project in Tianjin,Went to Xinjiang Hotan district and Municipal Education Commission to practice,One non-party cadre was selected and sent to the Development and Reform Commission of Heping District for temporary training。

3) We will intensify efforts to attract and train high-level talents

First, improve the Party's leadership system for managing talents,Adjust the school talent work leading group,Optimize the functions and responsibilities of the talent work leading group,Three leading group meetings were held during the period of concentrated rectification,Special studies were conducted on key issues such as talent policy formulation and high-level talent introduction,Strengthen the university Party committee to coordinate the work of talents。Give full play to the coordination function of the talent work office, comprehensively sort out the existing talent situation of the school, establish a talent pool for each discipline direction, and comprehensively grasp the talent team of the school。

The second is to optimize the policy of talent introduction, revise the "Implementation Measures for Talent Introduction Work", continue to change the concept of work, and broaden the channels of talent introduction。

The third is to improve the mechanism for the construction of high-end talents, revise the "Measures for the Management of the Employment of High-level Talents", clarify the responsibilities and main tasks of high-level talents, and continue to increase the efforts to attract high-level talents。

In view of the "drawing inferences from one another" rectification matters, "the cultivation of young talents needs to be further increased"。First, improve the three-level linkage training mechanism between schools and departments,For young teachers, a series of training, such as teacher ethics, laws and regulations, ideology, career planning, teaching and research ability,Stimulate young teachers' teaching and research potential;Give full play to the role of mentoring,Designate professors and associate professors who are in the same or similar discipline (specialty) as their instructors,Teach by example, strict requirements,Help young teachers grow up quickly。二是落实党委联系服务人才制度,加强对人才的政治引领、关心关怀和服务保障;举办第三期“红色理想”人才教育培训班,组织30名优秀干部人才赴天津市委党校参加集中培训。


(1) Firmly shoulder the responsibility for party building work

First, we will strengthen deployment。Establish the university Party committee to regularly study the key work mechanism of party building every week,The party building of the school and the work of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party are fixed topics in the regular work meeting of the school leading group,Timely report on the progress of grassroots party building, ideological and political work of teachers and students, ideological work, and the construction of cadres and teachers,Strengthen collective consultation, regular scheduling and process management of major tasks and key work。Strictly implement the bi-weekly meeting system for secretaries of second-level party organizations, and strengthen targeted guidance for the work of second-level Party organizations。

Second, we will strengthen demonstration and guidance。The organization carried out the "two best and one first" selection and commendation, and in 2023, a total of 50 outstanding Communist Party members, 28 excellent party workers, and 20 advanced grass-roots party organizations were commended。深入推进全国高校党建“双创”、全国高校研究生“双百”项目、天津市高校党建“领航工程”建设,持续做好党建标杆院系、样板支部创建培育工作,积极推广建设经验,发挥示范效应。

Third, strengthen the Party building work force。Through the cadre change, job rotation exchange, a total of 13 Party committee functional department heads, secretaries of second-level party organizations were adjusted, and 2 people were promoted, and the party building team was constantly enriched, and education and training were well carried out to provide a solid team guarantee for the quality and efficiency of party building work。

Fourth, we will strengthen oversight and assessment。Carry out inspection of grass-roots party building work, supervise and guide the implementation of the decision-making system of second-level party organizations, the implementation of the "first issue" system, the education and management of party members, and the construction of party branches。Carry out second-level party organization secretaries to review and evaluate the work of grassroots party building, strengthen the application of assessment results, and use the evaluation results as an important basis for cadre evaluation, selection and appointment。

In view of the problem of "drawing a lesson from one to the other" rectification matters, "the requirements for the implementation of the party building work system in colleges and universities by the second-level party organizations are not in place",To guide second-level party organizations to establish a working mechanism for regular thematic research on party building,Implement the requirements of bi-weekly meeting of Party branch secretaries,We will strengthen thematic scheduling around key tasks,The regular study and promotion of second-level party organizations will be the key content of the inspection of grass-roots party construction。

(2) Strive to improve the standardization of Party organizations

First, conscientiously implement the requirements for the construction of the party building work system in colleges and universities, and further refine the implementation measures in combination with the actual revision of the task table, and guide the functional departments and the second-level party organizations to implement the work well。


In view of the problems of "drawing a lesson from one to three" rectification matters and "non-standard management of organizational relations of individual college Party members",To organize the transfer of organizational relations between new party members and former graduate party members in 2023,Guide the party committees of all colleges to strictly implement the system of transferring party members' organizational relations,A comprehensive self-survey of the transfer of organizational relations between graduate Party members since 2019,Do as much as you can,Ensure that the number of graduate party members is clear and their direction is clear;Centralized training for party branch secretaries and full-time organizations,For the problems found in daily inspection and often encountered in work,Set the course content in a targeted way,Continuously improve the ability of party cadres to perform their duties。

(4) On the inspection and rectification work is not in place, and the supervision is not strict

Seize the opportunity of rectification work, and the rectification of rectification opinions such as the "second half of the article" with high standards

The school party committee further tightened the political string of promoting rectification, firmly held the political standards of rectification, closely focused on the problems of inspection feedback, solidly promoted comprehensive rectification and systematic rectification, and ensured that the quality of rectification was politically excellent。


(1) Further strengthen the management of personnel under the annual salary system

First, strict annual salary system personnel review and public disclosure procedures。Since the rectification, the University Party Committee has comprehensively standardized the audit and check procedures for personnel in the annual salary system, and the employment, management and assessment of the employment period of personnel in the annual salary system are reviewed and approved by the Standing Committee of the University Party Committee。及时将年薪制岗位人员名单、业绩成果、聘期考核结果等情况,通过校内办公平台面向全体教师进行公示,自觉接受广大师生监督,确保年薪制人员聘任管理工作规范、严谨、公开、透明。

The second is to improve the policy orientation and comprehensively improve the working mechanism for the appointment and management of high-level talents。Since the rectification, the school Party committee has reviewed the requirements of high-quality developmentDepending on the construction of the original high-end talent team of the school,After full investigation and demonstration,The school's original "annual salary system personnel management Method" was iteratively upgraded,Revised the Administrative Measures for the Employment of High-level Talents,Further optimize the system design,Clear policy direction,We will make comprehensive adjustments to the employment conditions, evaluation criteria, evaluation methods, employment tasks, achievement recognition, and public disclosure of high-level talents,Focus on building a high-level talent team "upgraded version"。

In response to "draw inferences”整改事项“年薪制人员评审标准及程序还不够完善”问题,结合学校实际,与时俱进完善年薪制人员评审机制,Quality and contribution as the main principles,明确年薪制人员申报条件,严格审核标准,优化评审程序。

(2) Further standardize the assessment of teachers' moral commitment

Strictly implement the teacher ethics commitment assessment system, carry out special inspections of the signing of the Letter of Commitment of Teacher Ethics and the construction and management of teacher ethics archives within the whole school, find problems, and rectify them in time。We will continue to improve long-term mechanisms such as daily supervision and management, evaluation and assessment of teachers' ethics, and punishment for misconduct of teachers' ethics, and constantly improve the construction level of teachers' ethics and ethics。

In response to the problem of "drawing inferences from one to three" rectification matters and "lax check on the signing of the" Teacher's Moral Commitment",Further standardize the "teacher's moral commitment" review procedures,Compaction job responsibilities,Strengthen work guidance,Carry out regular supervision and inspection;Formulate the "Ethics Archives Management Work Standards",Carry out special inspection of the archives management of teachers' ethics。

13.In response to the problem of inadequate accredited supervision and rectification, the school Party Committee consciously accepts the supervision of the accredited discipline inspection and supervision team, strengthens the communication and consultation with the accredited discipline inspection and supervision team, and jointly carries out regular scheduling of inspection and rectification work to ensure that the rectification is in place。

The discipline inspection and supervision team will supervise and urge the school Party Committee to do a good job of inspection and rectification as the focus of political supervision, establish the account of inspection and rectification and supervision, and adhere to wall chart operations and account reconciliation。Strengthen communication and consultation with the school Party committee, regularly participate in the school Party Committee inspection and rectification work scheduling meeting, timely follow up the implementation of the rectification。

In response to the problem of "drawing inferences from one another" and "insufficient supervision of the effectiveness of inspection and rectification"。First, keep an eye on the implementation of responsibilities, follow up supervision throughout the whole process, start from the time node of the inspection feedback meeting, develop supervision and rectification plans, rectification lists, establish supervision accounts, urge the implementation of rectification responsibilities, and promote the deepening application of rectification results。The second is to further improve the mechanism of regular consultation between the discipline inspection and supervision team and the school Party Committee, and the daily coordination mechanism with various functional departments of the school,At least 2 times a year with the university party committee special meeting,To study and formulate the implementation measures of the coordination mechanism between the discipline inspection and supervision team and the functional departments in the units,Strengthen communication and collaboration,Through supervision force。

Third, deepen the application of results, highlight the long-term governance, and promote the school's party building and career development to a new level

After three months of concentrated efforts, the school rectification work has achieved phased results。However, the school party committee also clearly realized that the rectification effect is still preliminary, and there is still a gap between the requirements of the municipal committee and the expectations of teachers and students。Through summary analysis, there are still the following problems:

One is that the integration of rectification work with daily work is not close enough。In the concentrated rectification phase,个别领域还存在“因题答题”“就事论事”的倾向,在一些工作环节上还存在脱节问题,抓好“对症下药”的同时,“系统施治”的力度还不够大,以整改带动相关领域工作水平提升还未达到最理想的效果。

Second, the effect of promoting high-quality development of schools through inspection and rectification is not obvious enough。In the concentrated rectification phase,Some party members and cadres still have the problem of rectification and rectification,The combination of rectification and development is not good enough,When solving specific problems, we have not fully considered the overall situation of school work,Not connected with the long-term development of the school,Especially in solving the main contradictions and some deep-seated problems that restrict the development of schools,The measures taken are still relatively limited,Progress will be made in promoting comprehensive reform and institutional innovation,There is still a long way to go in promoting the effective implementation of the system,The task of continuously grasping the follow-up rectification and consolidating and deepening the results of rectification is still arduous。

In response to the above problems, the school party committee will be improved in the in-depth rectification stage。下一步,在巩固好集中整改阶段整改成果的基础上,学校党委将把整改的重点放在着力解决好制约学校高质量发展的主要矛盾问题上,以坚定的政治定力抓好推动改革促进发展整改任务,确保整改取得更大成效。


坚持把深入学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想作为首要政治任务,作为学校党委常委会会议“第一议题Party Committee theoretical Learning Center group "the first themeEducation and training of Party members and cadres is the first main course,Continue to consolidate and deepen the achievements of thematic education,Establish and improve a normal learning mechanism,Earnestly grasp the world view and methodology of this thought,Adhere to and make good use of the positions, viewpoints and methods that run through them,Educate and guide Party members, cadres and teachers of the whole school to deeply understand the decisive significance of "two establishment",Enhance the "Four consciousnesses",Strengthen the "four self-confidence",Do "two maintenance"。Adhere to the practice of knowledge, knowledge and practice,自觉用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想分析解决学校改革发展中面临的重大问题,Unite and lead the majority of Party members and cadres to always focus on "the biggest of the country",Take responsibility for your mission,以更严标准、更大力度推动习近平总书记重要讲话和重要指示批示精神、党中央和市委决策部署在学校见行见效、落地生根。

(2) Always adhere to and strengthen the Party's overall leadership as the fundamental guarantee for promoting the development of school education, and resolutely shoulder the political responsibility of governing the Party

Adhere to the Party's overall leadership reflected in the Party Committee's overall leadership role in coordinating all parties,The direction, management of the overall situation, decision-making, grasp the team, lead the team, ensure implementation,Adhere to the direction of party management of schools, party management of cadres, Party management of personnel, Party management of ideology,Firmly maintain the correct direction of running schools and developing undertakings,Comprehensively implement the Party's educational policy,To carry out the fundamental task of moral cultivation,To lead the reform, development and stability of schools,Effectively integrate the Party's will and propositions into the whole process of running a school。We must ensure that the Party's overall leadership is implemented to ensure that the Party manages the Party and comprehensively and strictly governs the Party,Resolutely shoulder the political responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party,We will continue to improve the system of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party,Efforts will be made to improve the ability and level of integrated promotion of not daring to rot, not being able to rot, and not wanting to rot,Adhere to the strict tone, strict measures and strict atmosphere for a long time,Continuously enhance the cohesion, combat effectiveness and creativity of Party organizations at all levels。Firmly establish a clear direction of focusing on the grassroots,Strengthen the political and organizational functions of grass-roots party organizations,Strengthen the Party's primary-level organizational system,We will continue to improve the mechanism for the deep integration of Party building and cause development,Build a loyal, clean and responsible team of high-quality professional cadres,Provide a strong guarantee for the high quality development of the school。

(3) Always take the promotion of high-quality development of the school as a major theme, and better assume the responsibility and mission of educating people for the Party and the country

坚持把全面贯彻落实党的二十大精神作为学校当前和今后一个时期的工作主线,切实把抓整改与抓发展统筹起来,从战略全局出发,从解决学校主要矛盾入手,全力推动学校各领域各方面工作再加力、再升级。After the concentrated rectification "hand in the paper",The Party Committee of the university will continue to gather strength in promoting reform, development and rectification,We will further solve outstanding problems in high-quality personnel training, high-level scientific research and innovation, and efficient internal governance,Tightly twist the bull nose of discipline construction,We will continue to deepen reform of the systems and mechanisms for personnel training,We will strengthen the construction of cadres and personnel,We will continue to enhance our capacity for scientific research and innovation and our ability to serve economic and social development,Efforts will be made to promote the inspection and rectification in depth,We will make good use of the results of the rectification,Comprehensively build an "upgraded version" of school work in various fields,Effectively transform the rectification results into the actual results of high quality development of the school,It will provide strong support for China's modernization drive,Contribute to the construction of a modern socialist metropolis in Tianjin。

Cadres and the masses are welcome to supervise the inspection and rectification。If you have any comments or suggestions, please inform us in time。Contact number: 022-26651929;E-mail:。

CPC Tianjin University of Commerce Committee

January 30, 2024

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