Retired work office to organize retired lesbians to welcome the "38" spring health hammer manual DIY activities

Source: Office of Retired Workers  Author: GAO Xiaoqian Editor: Zhang Mengkai Release Time: 2024-03-11 Views:

On the morning of March 7, the retired work Office held the "38" retired spring health hammer manual DIY activity in the retired activity center, and the retired work Office staff and more than 20 retired lesbians participated。

Retired work office for the retired comrades carefully prepared colorful floral cloth and handmade supplies, the old comrades gathered together, under the guidance of the staff patiently, while making moxibustion health hammer, while talking about the good retirement life, the activity room is filled with a relaxed and cheerful holiday atmosphere。In order to promote the health of the old comrades, the staff of the retired work office explained the role of several acupoints and health care techniques for the old comrades, and led everyone to learn the meridians and collars of daily health care with the health hammer。

老同志们纷纷表示,感谢学校对老同志们的关心关爱,大家要珍惜现在幸福的退休生活,特别是在习近平总书记视察天津重要讲话精神的指引下,老有所为、老有所乐,不断进取,进一步发挥离退休老同志作用,助力学校事业发展。(Reviewer: Liu Lianhe)

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